My cauliflower got invaded!

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

Spider Mites and or Aphids, tried some Sevin in solution (don't like useing it cause it kills the honeybees but) then I thought I got it all and looked again a week later and theyre back, not yellow, kind of grey (mites right) anyhow I sprayed em down with pyrethrum and then just decided to pull the affected plant so nothing lese gets it. Makes me sad cause it was my biggest cauliflower, I stuck it back in dirt by itself elsewhere but I doubt it will make it. Tell me I did the right thing and tell me how to make sure they are gone from my raised beds...


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Your best bet is to identify that pest. Try your agricultural extension agent. Both Sevin and Pyrethium are bradbased insecticides but ther are many pests neither will kill. Should not be a problem on cauliflower but remember honeybees are insects and are susceptible to any insecticide including pyrethium.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

I've used insecticidal soap on aphids with great results, but you have to keep at it every couple of days as the new ones come on.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Strong spray from water hose helps to get the mass off then soap and water spray. Aphids hatch regularly so you need to keep at it. Ernie

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

I just got the organic pest control book all have been talking about on the forum. It is wonderful. The aphids are definatly cabbage aphids (grey). The califlower is still growing, too warm for Brocolli now but my plants have not even headed out at all so I may keep fingers crossed and see what fall has in store... Or pull em out and get some fall crops in...

Mooresville, NC(Zone 7a)

Could you please post the name of the book for those of us who haven't seen it elsewhere? Thanks.

Does it say anything about Japanese beetles? I am being invaded by JBs as if they were locusts. They have eaten everything - stripped my trees, roses, beans and now they're working on my grapes. I'm out there every day picking them off and putting them in soapy water, but waves and waves more arrive overnight. I'm about to go out of my mind.

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