Watermelon ?

Temple, GA(Zone 7b)

hi Everyone,
What is the best fertilizer to get big watermelons? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Traci S

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Watermelons aren't heavy feeders. I use 10-10-10 at rate of 300 lbs per acre. Watermelons aren't very choosy about fertilizer only soil, space, and heat. For largest melons melons prune to a single melon per vine. That will give you the maximum size for that cultivar. Bear in mind that if you do that to a standard melon like a Stone mountain, Mountain Hoosier, Dixie Queen, Congo, or a Charleston Grey. you will be lugging a 40-50 lb watermelon out of the patch and it won't fit in the refrigerator.

Temple, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much Farmerdill. I have several plants and they seem to be doing great, but my problem has always been that it does produce fruit, but very small fruit. I will keep them pruned to 1 watermelon per vine.

I really appreciate it!
Traci S

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)


Big enough?

Thumbnail by Farmerdill

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