Flamin June....

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Incredible to think that last week I was sunning myself on the lawn, and actually had to go in to have a cold shower as it was too hot.
Today...well, it was back to lovely steamy hot tomato soup for lunch, and as for my poor old battered garden.
Half of my borders have been flattened, (knew I should have staked them, not that I think it would have made much difference)
Rose petals whirling through the air like confetti, and lying wet and soggy on the ground.
Shrubs with branches snapped off.
A huge Fremontodendron is swaying periously away from the wall, each gust taking it that little bit further.if that comes down, so does hubbys precious Sky dish, and my hanging baskets.
Why couldn't we have had the rain, but without the gales?...hmm..?
And there's me just ordering a swimming pool to use in these hot summers of ours.I wonder if it's going to ba a case of the old sledge syndrome.
When the kids were little, we managed to persuede Daddy that we (the kids and I) desperately needed a sledge for when it snowed in the winters, we were fed up with using old trays and plastic bags. Much moaning and muttering later, wallet carefully extracated from tight pocket, sledge duely bought and paid for.A beautiful ,shiny, super-duper red sledge, great for those slalem runs.
Problem was ,it hasn't snowed enough since to use it, and has he never let us forget it!!! it still sits there in the garage, dull, dusty,a dull shade of orange by now, destined only ever to be used to drag teddies around the lawn.
We're now having the same old arguements over wether we need a pool.
'Of course', cries Jazzie and me, 'we'll be using it every day, nice for when it's so hot you don't know what to do with yourself.'
Hope the weather inmproves again ,or we'll be taking dips in the ice-pool, just to prove that it WAS vital to purchase it.
Hope everyone else has fared o.k. in the winds.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hmm. Variable weather. My garden looks like a jungle. Not enough spare-time to get out there. Or it's hot or freezing cold. I want some good weather for more jaunts!!!! I don't go as far when the weather is poor. It's miserable wandering around in the rain. Last Saturday was spent in Butterfly World and Preston Hall Museum - both undercover. The forecast for this weekend is basically more of the same.

It's dry today though - which isn't quite what the forecasters said

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I suppose the colder weather makes you go out less, it means more time for you to work on your dissitation? Hows it going?
Do you organise these jollies? or do you go on the spur of the moment?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I don't think it really affects my dissertation. I get tired and stressed anyway so a walk in the country is good for what ails me. Good for my high blood pressure too. Dissertation is in its final stages - only about a couple of months till I finish. I'll be glad when I finish creating my software (about another fortnight) and start on writing the report. There's more marks for the report.

I think of where I'm going for about a week beforehand. Look up websites, handbooks, maps, timetables. I know roughly where I want to go, but look up weather forecasts to see whether it is likely to be wet or fine. I often make the final decision at the very last moment, even after I've got up sometimes and seen what kind of a day it is. This coming Saturday looks like it will be rainy so I'm thinking of town visits instead of a country walk. Pottering around an open-air market probably.

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