propagating blue glorybower

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Has anyone ever rooted cuttings of blue glorybower? Does it root easily? If I take a couple of cuttings, will it branch out? It hasnt bloomed yet, if I cut it back will it prevent it from blooming? It is about 5 feet tall now.

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Rylaff, I received a couple of cuttings in a trade from Yardbird about 3 weeks ago. I just planted them in a bed. I just stuck them in rooting hormone, and put in wet sandy soil (pot) They lost the leaves that were on them when I received them but have new growth and are taking off in the bed. Now I don't know about just cutting them cause these had a little root on them. They kind of sucker up and that is what she sent me. She sent me the pink bungei (spelling!) or glorybower and the blue. I sent her some of my red. clerendendron. You might email her and she would probably be able to answer your question. Jenny

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