Cukes & Corn

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

I planted Japanese cucumbers under the corn because I
*thought* they would benefit from the shade of the corn. Obviously I have never grown cukes before!

They are lashing themselves to the corn for the ride up- are they gonna pull it all over? I can stick in some barriers now if need be.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I am curious what happened with your cukes. I remember seeing your corn harvest recently, but you didn't mention the cucumbers. I have cucumbers planted with my corn, can you tell me what to expect?

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

This corn never got more than very tall and once we pulled the ears, we left the stalks for the cukes. But, not one single cuke hanging on the corn got pollinated properly and withered and died so far. Every cuke we have harvested is from the ground. I left the stalks to see if the vines will produce a good one but they may not be strong enough supports.

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