Cucumber Dilemma

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

I have a number of cucumber plants and they are all setting fruit, but it seems like nothing is growing and some of the baby cucs are falling off. It doesn't look like anything is eating them - they just turn brown and fall off. I've had them in this space before and they did great. HELP!

Dixon, KY(Zone 7a)

gardengirl Our cucumbers are not doing well either. it looked like they were dying for no reason the leaves were turning brown, at first we thought it was because of to much rain. but I pulled one up from the root and split the stem It was full of tiny worms I have heard of squash having worms in the stems but not cucmbers. we have decided to replant and hop for the best. beverly

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

How small are they, G-girl? If super tiny it could be the the flowers were just not pollinated...that happens. Give them some time. Cool weather will also inhibit their growth.

bevjane...WELCOME TO DG! Come on in and set a spell!

Terrible to hear you have worms in your cuke stems...haven't heard of that before. In your case I hope your re-planting does you well. (I seem to have more than enough trouble with cuke beetles and also tend to plant a later crop, hoping for the best!)

Dixon, KY(Zone 7a)

I had never heard of worms in the stem before either as I have said . We are going to plant the new seeds away from the others and then we are going to put some seven dust or some kind of bug killer there and hope it takes them out of the ground don't know if that will work or not. but anyway well give it a try.

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

Well, I went out today and although some have turned brown and fallen off, quite a few har growing. I actually plucked a "pickle" one off today and ate it right there in the garden! YUM! I think the wet weather may be the culprit! Thank you all for your responses.

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