mushroom compost

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

anyone have any experience with this stuff. just went on the net and found something from oregon univ. that says you have to be careful with the stuff. it says you can't use them on azaleas and rhodadendrums and can't be used to start seeds. the report says that you should buy it in the fall, leave in uncovered so it can "cure" before use in spring.
was thinking of using some next year in the ''NEW' GARDEN.
anyone have thoughts on this

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I've only used the store-bought stuff that comes in a bag and is ready to go. I use it as an amendment to soil, not full strength (although the nutrient value on the bag says it's only .5-.5-.2).

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

horseshoe - thanks. didn't even think about bags. don't think i've ever seen them in bags.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

The company name on the bag is the same that sells "Black Kow".

"Organic Brands" mushroom compost is at the top. Also says, " Packed by Black Gold Compost Comp. Oxford, Fla."

I have only used it this year so can't give a great report, yet.

Mooresville, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm using it too, this year for the first time. I bought it in bags at Lowe's. I'm just adding it as an amendment, although, it looks very good and rich to me.

I hadn't seen it before (although I'm new to the South) but my gardening Bible, _Raise Better Vegetables the Chinese Way_ by Peter Chan, recommends it for use in the planting hole amended with either triple phosphate (for tomatoes and peppers) or aluminum sulfate (for root veg). I pretty much do whatever he says and I end up with very good results.

This message was edited Jun 17, 2004 8:05 AM

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

The reason you must be carefull with it is in a mushroom farm they have these huge trays 4 feet by 8 feet and they cannot get them out of the sheds/tunnels while all are growing so if in the very end of the tunnel if a disease starts to get one tray they pour a half inch layer of salt over the entire tray to kill everything so when they are emptying the spent mushroom compost out into your sacks you can get some that is very salty. Nothing would grow in a batch like that.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm....that's interesting. Wonder how the salt would kill a disease though.

Drew, aren't the shrooms grown in a sterile medium, usually in buildings? I grew some mushrooms from plugs one year; they did good for a while then petered out and never came back. Always wondered if the conditions weren't just right or if they got some sort of disease.

(I'd love to visit a mushroom farm, that must be a cool site to see!)

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

It just dries everything out and prevents anything from growing, they are grown in a sterile medium and this doesnt happen too often. There are funguses that grow on these fungi though. Bacterial problems can happen as well, it is well monitored. They are grown in buildings or old mines or cement buildings like underground basements. Lots of different structures. I visited a farm here in utah once and my dad is building a huge facility in BC, CA where they actually make the compost that the mushrooms grow in. Don't ask me outof what... I don't know.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

thanks for your replies. i think i will give it a try next year.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Drew...great info. Thanks! Maybe I can go visit your dad's place one day! That would be fun!

Herbie...I've heard lots of good things about mushroom compost...if I had a truckload I would use it!

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

I buy and use mushroom compost from "Monterrey Mushroom"
There is a plant about 75 miles from where I live in E-Texican land.
Their price runs from $10.00 first of the year to 20 as the season goes on.
If the picture works, its a 4 yard bucket.

That's the least you can buy. Haha they will back off if you say enough.
The (4) yds is more like 5 when heaped.

In the 14 years I've used it, there has never been a problem.

Thumbnail by heycharlie
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

heycharlie, that's a great deal!
Do you use it straight, as is, or do you just use it here and there around plants or to amend your soil with?

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Hi Herbie , If you can get it at the right price ,go for it!

These 4 pics are about 4 weeks apart . Mushrooms to Silverbeet 12 weeks.

I just hoe it in ,wait about 3/4 weeks ,hoe again then add whatever you want.

I also use it as mulch around plants without any hassles.

John in OZ.

Thumbnail by holty
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Here's a good link I rec'd from ernie in the mail:

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey shoe;
"Do you use it straight, as is, or do you just use it here and there around plants or to amend your soil with?"
All of the above! We also mix some with our potting soil.
It makes a great compost tea. Plants love that plus it washs off (downy mildew)
holty's post has it right. Great stuff!

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

holty - man, that looks great. i will try it but i guess i will have to buy it already bagged. don't know if anyone around here sells it in bulk. will check anyway. thanks again

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks charlie, that's what I did w/my bagged stuff, a bit here, a bit there, just to stretch it out abit.

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