Garlic in Upstate New York

Saratoga Springs, NY(Zone 4b)

Looking to gain knowledge, tips, etc. As a rookie, so far my crop has been clipped of their stapes and are beginning to brown on bottom.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy knutron! A hearty WELCOME TO DG! Come on in and set a spell...!

I've never grown garlic in your area but grow it here regularly.

Did you plant it last Fall and over-winter it? Sounds like you must've if it is sending up scapes and beginning to change colors.
Or are ya'll able to over-winter garlic up there?

Saratoga Springs, NY(Zone 4b)

Thanks for the gracious welcome, Horseshoe. I indeed planted last Nov. and as soon as the snow started to melt (that's late March up here), I was greeted with sturdy young shoots (about 25) and they've flourished. Scapes appeared 3rd week of May. I waited till they got a little curl to them and pinched them off at the joint that was present. I hope I did the right step. The browning is pretty much limited to the bottom leaves, not all plants consistent. Do you have any personal thoughts on scape removal? These plants were grown from one of my patient's stock which she has grown over the years up this way. I'm looking foward to hearing from you. Thanks again!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I prefer to lop them off. Jus like onions that begin their seed heads the energy is diverted into making seeds and bulb growth slows or stops altogether, same is true of garlic.

Here's a couple good threads you can check out for some info and opinions (plus you'll get to meet some of the other garlic freaks!)


Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


Just a quick hello from one who is not that far from you in and about Salem, above Cambridge and below Granville.

Don't ever listen to me when it comes to garlic growing. LOL

Three years ago I planted 17 varieties at the end of the large raised bed and there they remain. LOL I have never harvested bulbs, I have never done anything. And what a lush forest of scapes I have again this year. Sigh.

So, I'm a somewhat lax grower of garlic but should you ever have questions about tomatoes, particularly heirloom tomatoes, you'll find me in the Tomato Forum here at DG, for that's my passion and major interest although I grow everything else one might grow when it comes to veggies.

Carolyn, very pleased for all her friends who bet on Marylou Whitney's horse that beat Smarty Jones but sad for Smarty nonetheless. What would Saratoga do without Marylou. (smile)

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm growing garlic too, zone 5a (Midwest though). I pulled the scapes off mine just last week, but don't have much leaf browning yet. I think you're supposed to dig garlic when there are 3 to 4 green leaves left...each green leaf is a layer of skin on the bulb, which protects the individual cloves. I dug up 3 garlic plants just yesterday to use, and the bulbs are not that large but are certainly useable. Rinsed the dirt off and set them in a breezy shady area to cure a bit. Umm, I think it's Chet's Italian or some similar name.


Saratoga Springs, NY(Zone 4b)


Nice to hear from you. You are correct, at least that is what the "experts" say, about leaf browning. I took this foto today to show what my BROWNING STATUS is. Buona fortuna with this year's crop.

Saratoga Springs, NY(Zone 4b)

Sorry, download problem!

Thumbnail by knutron
Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

Lookin' good!

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