How to start Crape Myrtles

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Do do I root crape myrtles? I have tons of new starts from the bottom of the trees and pulled those off and stuck them in water - will they root this way?

Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I never tried water but I have used root hormone and just scraped the bark off the bottom of the cutting and dip in root hormone and planted in potting soil have had great luck that way

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks - sounds more like what I need to try.

This site is so helpful.

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Had loads of seed on mine last year. Can you start them from seed. I have enough trees already but would collect seeds this fall if the work.

Houston, TX(Zone 8b)

I was wondering the same thing about the far haven't found any answers....

My crepes are all starting to seed out, though there are still many blooms as well. Can/should I collect the green seed pods, or wait for them to dry on the branch? When/how should I plant them? Do I nick the seed and soak in water overnight? The green seed pods (at least that's what I think it is....its the hips that come out after flowering) seem to fall off anytime I *accidently* graze the tree! I'm afraid if I wait too long, there won't be any seed to collect until next year; so I want to do it right! :o)

Also, would it be worthwhile to uproot the teeny-tiny ones I see popping up in the grass? I have pulled a couple and if they came from seed; there is no longer any of the seed left. They mainly have one strong root, 3 inches or so, some are only a small web membrane about 1" of roots.

My trees are all fairly young; so I am hesitant about taking cuttings. They only have about 3-4 strong (i.e. > 1 inch) stems each. Not really any suckers to speak of, either. Maybe next year.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated! I am brand-new here and have already learned so o o o much! (Just not what is currently on my gardening mind!) Thanks again!

p.s. I have red, fuscia, white, watermelon, and peppermint crepes, if that helps or matters at all. Thanks again.

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i have started seed a few times and it works great. but they all seem to revert back to the lavender color.

Houston, TX(Zone 8b)


Thanks. Were your seeds green/fresh or hardened off? When did you plant? I know I'm asking a lot of questions.....I'm new at this. Thanks again!

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i let the seed dry on the tree, then i harvested. i broke the seed head up and planted in seed pots, covered about 1/4" and i think they came up in about a week. i am still hopeful that maybe one will come out red lol. that's the color of my tree. i think i am going to have to try some cuttings next.
oh i did save the seed from last season and started them in spring. only because i didn't have enough room for them last winter.

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