ipomoea andersonii

Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Has anyone grown this from seed?I live in zone 5,started this from seed in early March,and it hasn't budged.My daughters is exactly the same.1" tall. What are we doing wrong?All my other morning gories are doing just fine.Help!

Thumbnail by golgi
Mesilla Park, NM

I am in Southern Cal zone 8/9 and it is also very small, just have the first two colytens (spelling), they went in the middle of March. Out of 10 seeds only 3 germinated. Are they from T&M? I believe that is where I got mine last year.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

You did better then me, gourd. I did not get ANY to germinate.

Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

No,Gourd,I got the seeds from "Ace Seeds",on e-bay.Very low germination rate ,too.I think its going to die before anything happens.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

I have this vine I purchased several years ago from Logee's. I ordered some of the seeds this Spring from Thompson & Morgan, but I don't think the ones they sent are the true seeds. For some reason, my vine hasn't put on any seedpods for the past couple of years, but when it did, they were flat hairy seeds. The ones I received from T&M looked like regular mg seeds. I haven't planted them yet. I also ordered some from Ace Seeds and planted them in seed starter trays in March, but not a one of them germinated. I have since heard that they redate their seed packages and sell outdated seeds. I don't know if this true or not, but several people have said they have very low germination rates with all of their seeds. I gave all the seeds away from my original vine, thinking it would put on new seedpods. It is strange that it has quit. The only thing I can figure out is that it is getting too shady in the spot where it is planted, and it blooms sparsely now.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

A DG friend shared her seeds with me. She sent three and two of them germinated. It took a long time and after three months, they look just like yours, Golgi. Obviously if we are all having slow growth, we must be doing it right. Maybe this is one of those plants that will all of a sudden take off. I'm sure not giving up on mine.

Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Well folks,I think mine is giving up on me.Brown spots appeared on the leaves today..the first sign of it's imminent demise.Darn! Do you think it likes it dry or damp,hot or cool?Mozart or Pink Floyd?

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

hahah I liked that golgi!! I haven't started mine from seed yet, but now after reading all this will have to be overly protective I see. I better be getting mine in the ground as I am also in your zone!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Started seeds of this back in Feb and today they are about an inch tall. So far I have only 2 out of the 5 I started left. I have moved them to more sun, the filtered shade. More water less water....can't figure out what they want.
From the looks of the other 2 they won't make it either....maybe this is one that will do better from cuttings...
If any ever survive..... let us know how yours do Laurrie.... :o(

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