The Rooter Pot

Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

Has anyone tried these? I bought a set of 5 for $9.50 from Lee Valley Garden ( They sounded like such a great tool to get big plants easily rooted instead of small cuttings. I tried these on 3 different roses about 2 months ago and all the cuts healed over and none developed roots. I used sterile soil, mostly peat moss and even watered with distilled water-nothing:(
The roses were actively growing at the time, in buds, but maybe it was not the right time to form roots?
I think these pots even won best new invention or something.
I really wanted to try these on Japanese Maples, since they take FOREVER to get big from cuttings, if they root at all for me. Am I the only brown thumb with these? LOL
Thanks, Kathy

Thumbnail by kwells
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

How are those different than cutting apart a plastic soda bottle (to make a top and bottom), using a rooting honmone then planting in a sand-perlite mix and placing in the shade?

Just curious.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Darius, They're hinged so you can air layer right on the plant. I have some but haven't really used them yet. I bought them to air layer brugs but they're a little too small for the larger brug stems.

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)

We bought some from Kingmans. Have not used them yet, but my instruction said to use Spagnum(sp) Moss. HD wants to root grapes. I root most of my cutting in damp sand.


Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks everyone for posting. Maybe it was the potting media I used, my instructions said "peat based" but I think I'll try something else this time. Maybe the coir fiber?
These just seem like they should work, especially when it says you get a plant the size it would take 3 years from a seed or cutting to produce. Being an oldy, that's why I bought them, who has the time to wait at my age?:)
Thanks again, Kathy

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


Did you use something like Root-Tone?? My instructions call for hormone on the cut.

I got both large the & small size.


Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Honeybee,
I used the Roots product they recommended, it's a gel and I applied with a cotton Qtip to the section where I removed the bark.
One problem I had with one of the roses, is it was windy and the branch must have moved and the Rooter slipped down the stem. So it formed a callus(sp?) and wasn't inside the container. I think I'll tie something around the stem below the pot so it can't slip my next try. Piece of old pantyhose again:)
I also think you really have to pack the moss or whatever you use really tight, because it seemed when I opened these the peat was not right next to the bark, so the cut looked dry.
I have a rose that the rose nursery near here is chargin $40 per 1 gal, so that's why I really wanted to try these, my try with cuttings last year didn't work.
Sorry, didn't mean for such a long post! Boy, let me know if you have luck with these & what your rooting. These just seem so cool if you can get an almost full size plant:)

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


I'll let you know how we do with grapes. It will be laterin the summer, when the vines get larger.


Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I got a set too I had a big problem with them moving and slipping I think I did better with just using plastic wrap and moss

Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

irish, thanks for posting, I thought I was the only one with problems with these. These were shown on page 2 (full page) of their garden catalog, so I thought what a great idea!
NOT! I'm giving them 1 more try, always a sucker for new products:)
I wish DG had a watchdog forum for products, or at least a forum for what products we love & those we are disappointed in. I'm pretty new here, maybe there is one already??

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)

Guess this calls for Duck Tape!!
I hate being taken! Maybe mine will work, since I got them from a different company. DH was so excited about them.

I'll let you know if mine work.


Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's the link to Lee Valley if anyone's interested:

Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

when I seen them I was like a crow looking at somthing shinning I had more money than brains that day but they do work just more of a pain to me

Petaluma, CA(Zone 9a)

irish, I saw the words "it's a dream come true for some gardeners". OK, where are the SOME GARDENERS??:))
It's turned out to be a "as seen on TV" product so far for me.
"Only $19.95, call NOW!!
BYW, what did you use? moss, sterile soil or?

Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I did soil and moss I like useing the moss better it seem to stay moist better in thouse pots but when I use the old ways I just use moss and with the plastic raped around it it never dries out

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