Honeywort Seed

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)


What do the seeds of Honeywort (Cerinthe major) look like? I've found some fairly large brown bean-like things that kind of look broken open on one side. Are those the seeds? Will try to post a picture later today.


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I am so glad you posted this! I got my first blooms today & I am totally captivated by this plant. I can hardly wait for the bracts to turn purple. And I really would like to know about the seeds too. :~)

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)


Boy the bees and hummingbirds just love this plant!

I put mine in last fall, so it is pretty much done for the year.

Not sure if I should cut it back now or what. I've read it is a tender perennial.

Here is a picture of what I think is the seed.

Seems like there is one seed per flower.

Thumbnail by eje
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

hmmm, I am trying to remember what my seeds looked like. There were only 2, but my brain is failing me. I have searched and searched for seed pics in the past couple of weeks, to no avail. I did find a pretty good article though.
I find it interesting that you can harvest the seeds green & dry them inside to keep them from exploding into every nook & crevice they can find. They also make it sound like the seeds are produced in the fall. Have you tried growing any of the seeds you gathered?
If you do, let me know the results.

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)


Thanks for tracking down that informative article.

I haven't tried starting any of the seeds I've collected.

Though, unless I'm mistaken, I have a couple Honeywort volunteers popping up in other flower beds.

From the article, it seems like what I had in my picture are the seeds, as the author describes them as, "cylindrical black seeds".

I planted mine fairly late last fall. It sat through most of the winter not doing too much of anything, and then started flowering very early this spring. I will probably gather what seed I can find and cut it to the ground. Not sure if it will come back or not. If it doesn't come back, I'm sure there is more seed around in the beds to sprout.


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