need help with my hosta leaf section that broke off...

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

This morning when I checked on my hosta to see if I was successful for another night of keeping snails and slugs away from it, I noticed a damaged leaf that was turning brown and reached down to pluck it off. I don't think I was being rough with it, but the whole section of leaves broke off in my fingers.

I put the end in rooting compound and stuck it is a little water. Would soil have been better? Do you think it has a chance to root? Also will the area it came from get new leaves? This was my smallest hosta from my new LA purchase & I want to do all I can to save it.

Also, I am wondering if it is possible to over-water hosta. I put mine in an 8" plastic container and do water every day. Should I let the soil dry alittle between waterings? With the way this area came off so easily, I am wondering if it was caused by too much water.

I would appreciate any suggestions and advice. Thank you !

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I found this same situation last year with my Hostas, but it was the work of rodents! They chew off the leaves at the base, sometimes leaving them just barely attached. We have voles here in CT. You can find the tunnels they make just below the soil around the Hostas. Could this be your problem? If it is, get rid of the critters fast...

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

JRush, Thank you for your suggestion, but this one was in a pot and I think it is from over-watering. The plant was about 1" in diameter, the pot too large and plastic besides. I was watering every day, because I thought they liked to be wet!

More of it is dying...I am watering sparsely now and hope that it may grow leaves again. Do you think it will have a chance to do that?

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I have had tremendous luck this year using peat moss. Try repotting it as carefully as you can in pure peat moss to feed it & keep it evenly moist. Don't pack the peat moss tightly. This allows air & water to the plant. My Hostas love the stuff! I like to use clay pots if water is an issue as they help prevent the plant from soaking for more than a day or so. I hope your baby recovers!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I'll add my prayers for your baby hosta. I truely do believe JESUS cares about our plants. One verse that comes to mind is "Casting all your cares on Him for he cares for you". The other is 'Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart". Sorry I can't tell you just where each is located but I do know they are in the BIBLE somewhere.

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