Our new patio

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

This is the finished patio that was a rose bed just a month ago. Everything is recycled except the little girl fountain and the nandinas. She was bought at Big Lots for $8. She even has a pump. She was white plastic before I "prettied her up". Her base is an old umbrella stand with the top part missing. It was a no cost item at a garage sale. The nandinas on the right are new also. I got them for a real bargain price from a grower for $3 each. The lirope was taken from other areas of my yard. The patio "floor" was under our grape arbor for 18 years and wasn't needed there at all. The lawn furniture was all bought at garage sales and was white originally. The planters were garage sale finds also.
This area took lots of work but was a very inexpensive project as far as costs were concerned.

Thumbnail by Elena
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