Have Geranium Robertianum

Bellaire, MI(Zone 5a)

This plant is also called Herb-Robert or Red Robin. It grows well in shade...here in Michigan. It would be considered a wild flower I believe. I would like to trade or SASE if anyone is interested.

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

May I have some Check my list or I can do sase

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

In case it matters to how you use Geranium robertanium,,,it is a biennial,,,unfortunately, as it is quite lovely and wish we could incorporate it into a perennial border.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Beware..its a spreading nuisance. I put some in my shady area and now they are popping up everywhere. Its a cutie, so I always keep a couple but boy do they set seed with abandon!

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