Red Yucca seed starting ????

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

How do I do it? Thanks, Jody

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Jody,
I got some seeds last fall and they started very easily. Soaked in warm water overnight and planted in little plastic pots w/seed starting mix. Some people nick them but I don't think it's necessary.
They do seem to be very sllloooooowww growers, they germinated quickly but then their "quick" ran out. They are now 6? months old and they are maybe 4 inches tall with 4 to 5 blade-like leaves apiece. Hardy though, the cat knocked one over and it lay on the floor for hours before I found it. Now, it doesn't look any different than the others. Hope this helps,


Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Eileen, Thanks a bunch. Jody

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

I've started a lot of them and agree with Eileen, except I just sow them in containers and cover lightly with soil.
They are easy to start. If you sow them directly, the seedlings look like grass when they come up.
Good luck,
Shirley in Smalltownrednecktractorville, WI

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