Am I the only person here with this problem?

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

I have propogated so much, that my yard looks junky!In a good way, but just look. I have got to do a cleaning out don't you think?

Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

Here is another picture, this is my 1960's table with all my little babies on it. Boy I need to do some planting!

Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

I have stuff from the fla swap that i have yet to get planted now how lazy does that make me? some body come knock me out side and make me plant.

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

Are your plants in question surviving happily as they are? If so, stop beating up on yourself! They're fine, and the spirit will move you soon enough to place them permanently.

But even if some of the plants are struggling a bit, then you'll still get to them. You have enough guilt going already to motivate you. You certainly don't need this old master of procrastination beating up on you as well!

Good work!

BTW, your plants all look fine to me. That's a problem I wish I had! I haven't even gotten around to propagating mine yet!

Two green thumbs up! The answer to your question--you're in the great company of multitudes, most likely. It's a gardener's paradise!!!!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I completely agree with Judith.

Go with your heart's plan. They are there for a reason.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

This time of year it's an epidemic of those of us whose eyes are bigger than our hands and time allow. it's always the same I say I won't and then I stop by for just a coupla things.
Nothing wrong with you girl, it'll all get done in it's own good time.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

This message was edited May 2, 2004 10:18 PM

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

YES, My place looks very much like yours. You cant get down the sidewalk to the front door. Just a little path through all the pots and flats.back patio is all lined with pots and I love every one of them. Thanks for sharing, I am glad there are other potty people like me LOL Margie, aka Queen of Dirtland, loudigger

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

My 80 yr old mom came over and asked if I was opening up a road side stand!! She was serious... Everything is covered this morning as we got down to 29 last night. brrr In the 80 's by the end of the week

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

SS, you are not alone. I'm sure most of us have the same dilemma.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Me too. I put the pots in the garden, thinking it will motivate me to get out there and stick them in. But they sit there waiting patiently for me. Meanwhile, I have a whole corner of yard with pots pots pots. I'm too indecisive (sp?) on where to put what. LOL!

Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

Looks like a gold mine to me! beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I'd like to have your talent of starting plants! :)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Don't feel like the lone ranger, I've got it real bad too LOL

Don't know what to do with everything, had to move some of the seedlings inside because when it rains bad it tears them up, will move back outside tomorrow though, praying for that green house to get done soon


Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

here are the seedlings I had to put into the garage.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Bonifay, FL(Zone 8a)

springsong An old saying Doesn't matter when U die there will be somthing in your IN box. So enjoy life & the garden.

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

well i cleaned up my nursery area, and planted quite a few things last week, hehehe i planted some brugs all the way around my little nursery area so that when they grow you can't see the clutter from the road!! My husband just growned and said more plants to weed eat.....( he left out the "around" ) I marked the really special ones, and said " i will hand weed these stay away from my babies with your plant shredder!!aka weed eater, man it think my brugs are weeds!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I was just upstairs in my "sunroom" - felt awful, as the door was open, so know the girls grandma went in there when I'd taken Russ to the tooth puller. It's not really that "messy" but most of my plants have been planted, or are scattered downstairs right now, because I can't haul them up and down the stairs while I'm hardening them off. When I looked in there tonight, I saw half dead plants (the ones that didn't make it that I haven't done anything with yet) and flats that haven't germinated yet, and flats with things so overgrown, waiting for me to get BUSY............ I was embarrased when I knew she'd seen it. I try to keep up - but I simply can't do everything. Had I known she'd go look in there, I should have left a sign for her saying "take half of everything, please!" Too late now!

Tallahassee, FL(Zone 8b)

KARRIE!!!!! Take heart!

It's YOUR gardening, not to be judged by others!

God knows your intentions, and appreciates your giving these plants at least a chance in life. If the plants fell on fertile ground, but circumstances prevented you from fulfilling all their needs, NO GUILT! You did your best! And will continue to do so.

You are nurturing family members as well, not just plants. The plants give us courage to go on, but, just like humans that we love, they also let us down sometimes.

Take what is left, and grow your "garden" of humans, animals, and plants, as best you can. God does not expect you to be God, and be able to handle everything at once. He can do that, but does not expect it of us "mere humans."

GO with what you HAVE, not what you wish were so. Take pleasure in the "survivors," for you are a "survivor" yourself. "Survivors" are you friends and helpmates that God has provided.

Focus on what you've DONE, not what you feel you haven't gotten done yet. YOUR LIFE does not owe ANYONE any apologies or guilt.

Sorry if I hijacked the thread. We all feel overwhelmed at times. I feel that our purpose as DGers it to provide support and encouragement when needed. I certainly need it from time to time!

YOU GO, Karrie!!!!!!

(Edited to say that I am taking this to the Prayer Request Forum. Please join me, Karrie.)

This message was edited May 15, 2004 4:35 PM

Naperville, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a great little garden book called "Money Saving Garden Magic" -- I'm at work and I have it at home, so can't check to see who the authors were -- tells you how to propagate almost anything that grows!

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Amanda and Karrie: You two are not alone! I had a literal pile of stuff behind my GH that had not been planted. I ran out of room to plant and didn't have the energy or time to start another bed. Well, finally today I got all but four one-gallons planted in among the rest of the stuff. Whew! Its a relief to finally have it cleaned up. I'm gonna try to not go overboard next year. Yea, right LOL! Who cares, it'll all look great when you're done... :)

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