Tough as nails!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Hah!! .. The lovely Pokeberry!! .. How dare ye!! ... (considered merely a lowly weed, indeed!!)

(tsk, tsk)
Most all folks are ready to sling a noose on it and hang it !!

Of course .. if the Poke Berry manages to establish itself, where ya don't want it - then ya got yaseff one determined lil ditty of a dilemma .. !! hee

FYI: (for those that may not already know) do not use a 'weed eater' on it, to bring her down .. IF she's got her lovely berries ripening on her - - - UNLESS, you are WELL-suited .. or .. prepared to go truly 'new-generation' .. with pur-nurple hair and skin, etc. .. temporarily!

I do know also .. from waaaaa back, past experiences: that, that thar chicken and other poultry 'condiments' incorporated into the poop from their digestive and excretory systems - - truly does aid and 'enhance' (shall I say, 'set) the 'purnurple' coloring! Should you step or sit on/in it .. or it 'drop' in on ya! And, it haint purtee ..
.. LOL ..

I remember my momma having quite a time, trying to get that purple out of our clothing on 'wash day'. They didn't have the stain removers back then like there are today. Momma was dependent upon a bar of Octagon Laundry Soap, when it was afforded .. and plenty of knuckle busting and elbow grease .. that most times, got it out, enuff .. to follow up with a good bleachin'. (And even then, ya kept ya fangers croxt too!)
Speaking of which .. Do any of you remember, 'bluing' .. ?

Just glad to see that I'm not by myself, in realizing the Pokeberry's potential and value in the garden and landscape ...

- Magpye

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