Anyone ever rooted Viburnum cuttings? Advice?

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I really would love to root the Viburnum "Fragrant Snowball" has anyone ever done propagation on Viburnum and if so, could you please give me some advice, I have never tried before. Thanks in advance!!

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

My ever-trusty 'Creative Propagation' by Peter Thompson says that Viburnums can be propagated by semi-mature cuttings in July and August. So in late July find some semi-mature shoots remove them and treat them as normal cuttings. (I'd put some in water, and some in sand, with and without rooting hormone, that way you have covered most of the possibilities.)

As Viburnum has glossy leaves, you shouldn't get too much loss through evaporation, but if you can put some of the cuttins in a tent of polythene, that will give you the best possibility - but watch out for fungal attack.

Good luck.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

thanks cinemike, I will try those methods, I am trying some now, but if they don't take I will definitely try again, well worth trying to have plenty to share!!

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