What's the best book on propagation?

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

In want to read all about propagation, while I'm sick and put it to good use after I'm off these meds. I really want softwood and hardwood information as well as roses,and when to take cuttings from what plants at what time of year.I know all you experts have books that are your favorites. I'm not rich but maybe I could find it on an online auction or half. Thanks, Jody

Sodus, NY(Zone 6a)

Seed Sowing and Saving by Carole B. Turner

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I really like American Horticultural Society Plant Propagation: The Fully Illustrated Plant-by-Plant Manual of Practical Techniques

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

I favour 'Creative Propagation' by Peter Thompson

Can be ordered used at http://www.abebooks.com from $9.20 or new or used at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/088192251X/qid=1083057534/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-7190241-5385469?v=glance&s=books from $12.47 ...

Happy propagating, and get well soon :o)

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I have the one darius mentioned (got it as a birthday gift last year). It's awesome!

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Everyone Thanks, Jody

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