Does this bird ever sleep?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Since moving to our new home I have been kept awake by a bird! Can you believe it? I'm thinking it must be a whipporwhill although I have no idea what it looks or sounds like - just a guess. Funny little sound but never ceases and so monotonous, especially when I'm trying to get some sleep. Guess you could say this one is definitely on the night shift! Any ideas? And no, it's not an owl :-)

Surry, VA(Zone 7b)

Louisa, whippoorwills are nocturnal so I wouldn't be surprised if that is what it is. During mating season it will call quite persistently. It was named for it's call, so if you are hearing whip-poor-will then the mystery is solved!

Mockingbirds like to chirp at night too.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

lol - when is the mating season over Carol, so I can get some rest!! Lantana this is definitely not a chirp - I think I can tolerate a!

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

I've been hearing a mockingbird at night, but it's not right next to the house. I'm amazed that it's singing so late at night (after midnight).

Thousand Oaks, CA

Mockingbirds sing almost all night long (though usually stop around 3-4AM). Their song is pretty distinctive by not being all that distinctive. If you hear a bird singing in the middle of the night, and its song is varied and inconsistent, that's a Mockingbird.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

'my' bird is consistent and persistent, the same sound over and over - doesn't even sound like any bird I know (but then I have only been here in the States for 4 years). Just in the last two nights it has been quiet - maybe the storms have frightened it away or maybe it has, at last, found a mate. Thank goodness :-)

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

louisa we have a whipporwill that lives in the woods next to far as I know he's been for the 8 years that I have. (Unless it's a new one every year)The call is endless and goes all night and I hate to say but also pretty much from spring through summer. It doesn't bother me anymore, only for the first year, lol. Now I actually look forward to the spring and the return of that call. It's really funny...if you're up in the wee hours of the morning, you can tell he's tired and the call is slowed tremendously, but...he keeps at it till dawn. :)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Poor thing jody - now I feel sorry for them. It must be exhausting for your bird calling all night. I don't think my bird has such a strong call now, or maybe he's moved away from the house.

(Zone 6b)

I remember hearing someone else, somewhere else, ask the same question. It turned out that they were told that they were hearing a frog not a bird. I forget what type of frog that it was. I hear crickets and other insects all night that sound like chirps. I am sure that you have covered that base.

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