How much heat can peonies take?

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6a)

I have a long bare fence that faces west and I've been wanting to plant peonies there for a while but don't know if they can take the heat. They would get afternoon sun without any shade, and where I live July and August temps can be in the 100's. Would peonies be able to take the hot afternoon sun in the summer, along with reflected heat from the fence? Everything I've read says they need full sun but can they take blistering heat?

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Should be fine, once they are established. The biggest problem would be getting them growing without drying out. However, the roots are best planted in the fall, so this should be okay. If you plan to set out potted peonies this spring/summer, watering will be important.

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

I have a peony on the west side of my garage and though we don't get quite as hot as you, we do have 100+ degree days and it is thriving. Good luck with your peony planting.

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