North Port, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm sooo excited....i just planted my first tomato plant elderly lady who lives on my street, gave me a tomato plant to grow....

she is so sweet...i weed her gardens for her and she gives me things from her gardens....she is such a sweetie....

and its been raining since i planted it, so its looking good...

wanted to share this with ya all....

luv ya all

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Congrats! (Any idea what kind she gave ya? I'm the curious sort, ya know.)

Keep us posted on the results! Hope to hear more!

Ashton, IL(Zone 5a)

I remember my first tomato plant - it was 1987 and we were in a townhouse with a 3 foot square patch of dirt next to the back door.

Good luck with your plant Cindy!


Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Cindy, you're gonna get hooked! Next year it'll be 10 plants and after that, dozens! ;o)

Good luck!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Gotta have more than one they get lonely and quit giving tomatoe's. One is not enough unless it's one red,orange,green,yellow,pink;white'and black.

Need some seed's? I have a really nice basket style and they grow automaticaly. I have thirty varieties or so to tempt you with. Ernie

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome to DG Cindy, and isn't it exciting? It will be even more so when you pluck that first tomato off the vine and pop it ito your mouth. When ours were producing, I packed maters in my lunch box and ate them straight off like an apple for my snack.

Great flavor vine ripened.

Again, welcome to Dave's


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