Puerto Rican Lime??? Orange Lime??

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

Anyone ever hear of these. A friend brought back from Florida what appeared to be tangerines but definately had a lime taste. Fruits 1 1/2 ~ 2", bright orange, tough skin, orange interior, lime flavor, seeds, juicy.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm...could be a Calamonda? That fits your description. But then so does Meyor's Lemon...they look like small oranges and have a sweet-limey taste.

Maybe someone will come along who has personal experience with what you have.

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Horseshoe for the reply but I have a Calamonda and several limes and Meyer's lemon and this fruit is nothing like them. I also thought sour orange but the taste of this orange-lime is without a doubt lime flavor with a look of a tangerine.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Mercy...sounds yummy to me.

If you find out any more info on them please post. (Wonder if they come true from seeds.)


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)


Scroll down and look at "Limequat" and see if it looked like this. I remember seeing and tasting all sorts of more unusual citrus, growing up in S. Florida... Loquats, and many others I've long forgotten. Fairchild Gardens had lots of varieties, along with several small specialty growers down around Naranja (when it was out in the woods).

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

Darius thanks for the info..still didn't see what I have...the limequat was close except my sport is deep orange..not yellow and is round 2" rather than oblong. I did plant several seeds and have come up with 4 seedlings. Don't know if they will come true as the mother plant but will see. By the way that was a great website you provided. Very unusuall varieties. Thanks for your help...ya'll.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I've emailed Thaumaturgist, a member here who is very familiar with many lesser-known fruit varieties (and they are from Florida, too) You might well have an ID very soon ;o)

Rockledge, FL(Zone 10a)

Could be "Meiwa" Kumquat.

Can be verified easily if you have the following:

Any photo for this fruit?
Any timeframe (month) when this was obtained in Florida?
Fruit shape is round, oval or ......?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks for popping in Thaumaturgist! If anybody will be able to pinpoint what it is, it'll probably be you!

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

Folks thanks for the replies..."T" in response...I don't have any pictures. I was in too much haste to get the seeds..it isn't Kumquat...the peel altho orange taste of lime...I did find out that the original fruit came from Costa Rica(orange skin w/lime taste) and was planted from seed in Florida. Big tree much fruit. I am trying to track down the originator to determine more details and to get some samples for pictures etc. "T" sample fruit was obtained in February from Florida. I reviewed your plant database among multitudes of other info on the net...didn't find it. This may be a rare find. Will advise!

Syracuse, NY(Zone 5a)

Hey all,

I go to Costa Rica a lot (cool country, interesting plants) and they've got a few citrus fruits that we don't.. Including what they insist is a regular lime.. which is definitely a lime on the outside and in flavor but with very orange interior. They've also got something called "limon dulce" which is green with light green/yellow flesh that is very low in acid and sweet.. Not orange flavor, definitely distinct, good for making juices. I'm not sure why the fruit would be so rare here.. It doesn't seem to be in Costa Rica.. They even naturalize to some degree (found a small tree growing around 100 meters from the ocean on the pacific coast and another growing as a shade tree over a coffee plantation). Ciao

Clewiston, FL(Zone 9b)

Sounds like sour orange. I live in Florida, right above the everglades and this are wonderful for cooking. I also grow and sell all kinds of lemons and limes. They each have a different flavor.

If it's not then I'd like to get a hold of one.

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