Freezing seeds in sealed baggies

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a friend that just came into a wealth of seeds from someone closing a garden shop. She is wondering as well as I am if you can save seeds in a sealed baggie in the freezer or what would be the best way to save them. She sent me two shoe boxes full of seeds. One vegie and one flowers. Any suggestions would be appreciated. They are all Burpee seeds.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I will be glad to share as soon as I figure out what I want to keep and plant and what I don't want.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I've kept seeds in both the fridge as well as the freezer, and for quite a long time. The majority of my seeds are veggies though so I can't really offer much actual experience concerning flower seeds.

In the fridge I keep my seeds either in freezer bags (get the air out of them) or in envelopes that are then placed in canning jars or the large "apothecary" type jars

In the freezer I used freezer bags and just put those a cardboard box reserved for seeds. I've also just stored them in paper bags in the freezer (corn, beans) and they did just fine. (My five year old corn seed was stored like that and I had excellent germination last year!)

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

I keep all my seeds in the fridge in a ziploc with a little cornstarch added to absorb any moisture. Also keep some in the freezer once in awhile in ziplocs.

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi , I have stored seeds in the freezer,cardboardboxes and also in a Plastic shoebox from Walmart.
The matter of fact a few nights ago I saw beautiful morning glories on this group..I immediately went rummaging thru my Plastic box,found some which were from 1999 and 2000 ,soaked them overnight....most of them even sprouted overnight and I planted them yesterday.
Had good results with each method but probably Your germination ratio might be a little less after a lengts of time,
PS:That reminds me I still have some Lily seeds in the freezer...I think :-)

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

One thing I learned is to let the seeds and container warm to room temerature before opening them after freezing. If the container and seeds are cold and the air is humid, you'll get condensation that won't do the seeds and packets much good. I've ended up with some soggy packets that way (it was WAY humid that day).

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