Looking for germination advice on rare plants

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

I have just a few seeds of a number of fairly obscure plants. I don't want to split them and try different germination strategies if I can help...

I have checked my usual web sources (Tom Clothier, Ontario Rock GS, Kew) but nothing definite on the species and the respective genuses do not have sufficient consistency to impute the right approach.


Does anyone know FOR DEFINITE how the following species and cultivars should be germinated ...

Eremurus isabellina 'Cleopatra'
x Homoglad 'West Coast Hybrids'
Lilium 'Paisley Hybrids'
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens'

Any help would be much appreciated...


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)


Paisley Hybrid seeds are a martagon lily. Go read Ziekertail's question about L. duchartrei and do the same. Martagon seeds take much longer to root. 2 or 3 months. They also want slightly cooler temps. 70 - 75F. When you see good rooting through the plastic of the ziplock baggie, after 2 or 3 months, put the baggie in the fridge for 3 months. This vernalization makes them think they have had a winter. During this time in the fridge, check the baggie every week as they may start growing. If you see growth starting, pot them up under lights. When you feel comfortable about planting them outside, do so. There in a knack to moving martagon bulbs so try to plant them in their final area where you want them to grow. They don't mind some shade. Here in Canada where we have very hot sun, we sometimes plant them in dappled shade.

A couple of strange things with martagons. In the beginning they may grow a few inches and then die off. Don't worry. They have not died. The bulb is growing underground (usually). Don;'t dig around looking for it. Patience is the name of the game. Next year it will grow again. Mark it with a stick so you know where it is.

I had to move 9 last year and only 3 are showing signs of life so far.

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks very much - I didn't realise they were martagon type. I have already germinated a host of martagons by summer-winter outside treatment, so I will do that with these.
Thanks again...

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Just in case anyone is interested....

In absence of definite info, I split the x Homoglad seeds and the ones kept warm germinated (3/4) in two weeks. Have moved the cool ones to the warm... keeping my fingers crossed...

Ophiopogon hasn't done a peep yet...

Will treat the Eremurus the same way as I would robustus ... sow OD late summer.

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