Quince Cuttings- HELP!!!!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

A dear lady recently gave me some small quince cuttings. She had told me they were growing under the mother plant. When I got them, it was obvious they had been in the ground as they had dirt on them. However, they have no roots. I have been keeping them in a glass of water {3 wks?} hoping they will root but they haven't yet. They have nice green leaves on them and appear to be healthy.
I am afraid to ask her what to do b/c I don't want to hurt her feelings as she was so nice to send them to me. I don't want her thinking I am questioning her knowledge of quince as I have never grown it before. I don't want them to die.
What do I do with these cuttings????
Thanks so much for any help!!

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I root mine in seed starting soil, or directly in the ground... Stick into soil about 3-4 nodes down, keep damp and they are soon rooted.. I like to use clear plastic cups or clear soda bottles..This way you can watch the roots develop.. Good luck..


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh Larkie, thank you so very much!!!!!! I will do this Sat. You may have just saved my quinces lives!!!! :)

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