Gourd Art

Crossville, TN

Bridgelily....welcome to DG...wonderful place to be!! I am on 4 acres here....and I don't grow my own....but I give away a lot of seeds....then people OWE ME!! LOL Jo

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I am new to the website and gourds. I am looking to buy a wood burner for my designs. What is the best or user friendly burner? What are the best cutting tools, scrapers, sanders and carvers. I am not new to tools in general, but want to get the right tool for the job. I really could use some dried gourds to practice on if anyone is willing to trade for postage. Mine are still on the vine. thanks to a great group of people. Cindy

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Riverland, welcome! I use the little burner I got at Hobby Lobby, and just the tools I have on hand. I did buy a set of rasps. The Amish Birdhouse Gourd site (I don't remember the address, but if you google that you'll find it) has some tools for sale.

What kind of gourds are you growing? And you do know, I trust, to leave them to dry on the vine.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

They were supposed to be birdhouse gourds but they all resemble a bottle. I have two vines and one vine has a least 15 on it . The other vine is growing down a steep slope so I can't really see all the gourds. I don't think it has done as well as the first plant. I have taken several gourds and potential guords off this vine hoping to enlarge the ones that are already onthe vine. I also keep hacking it back before it takes over my flower beds. I am faithfully leaving them alone to dry on the vine. C

Crossville, TN

Riverland...There are about 3 kinds of bottle gourds...and one of them is what most of us call Birdhouse gourds.

I just returned from a meeting of a new gourd group (new to me...)
I went to get my hair cut and my hairdresser invited me to attend her gourd group meeting tonight. I took pictures and will post some of the ones they were working on....soon.


Mesilla Park, NM

Merry Christmas Everyone,

I am so sorry it took me so long to respond.. just started re-reading the threads and forgot to set up the "Watch Thread"..

Yes, you roll out the clay with a rolling pin, The crests were cut out with an exacto knife and the eyes, I rolled some clay into small marble like balls and flattened them in the color red, then used smaller balls in the color black and just pressed them into the red sections. Basically, looked at some chicken photos and shaped the little parts with my fingers. I don't remember how long I cooked them, but will check on them this week and let you know. I do remember that some of them stayed really soft so had to be left in longer, they still come out like rubber, so you can shave off some to make them fit or to make curves on the pieces.. I really liked that. Also, the oven was really low, and you do have to bake them in an oven that you do NOT use for food or a microwave just for that.

I am not at home right now, we are visiting my daughter in another city and just decided to check this forum.

I wonder if we could move this thread to a separate "HOW TO" and we can all add our tips..

Will post more next week when I get home.

Thank you all for the nice compliments. Now, to hit the Watch Thread button..


Crossville, TN

Gourd....since windsurffer, who started this thread, is no longer on DG....feel free to start a new thread anytime! Jo

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