strawberries for shade

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

We only have about 3 hours of sun and then filtered sun on our best spot for strawberries. I have looked all over for shade-loving strawberries. My spousal unit heard of one called Alpine. Does anyone else know of a good shade-loving strawberry? and where can I purchase some plants?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Betty, I bought some alpine stwarberries last year at Reems Creek Nursery in Weaverville. The berries are what the French call 'Fraises de Bois' (sp?), the small but very sweet woods berries.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

How did they do? Are they white? I saw some references that said they were white...

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

They come in red, yellow or white. They really need to be established, I think, for good production. I didn't get mine until late Sept. but still had a few berries before winter. They survived the winter in pots and are starting to grow again.

They do not put out runners, but you can grow them from seed.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I have the hybrid red alpine strawberries and if you can keep the kids (big an little) out of them they really do put out a lot of berries. They start just before the wild berries and bear through until snow fall here. I've never actually had enough to do more than have them for breakfast or to fill out a shortcake, but then, like I said, kids find them irresitable. They have a wonderful strawberry taste and though small, give a good punch of flavor to whatever you use them for. they readily reseed, but are quite polite about the space they take up. Mine are edging around one of my rock wall beds

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