Growing aroids from seed...

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

I'm trying to grow some aroids from seed... a few Arisaema species and Dracunculus vulgaris (Cretan form). After the struggle for germination has been overcome, I get rather disheartened when my little seedlings, that start out so healthy-looking, yellow, keel over and die after a month or so.
Is there some trick that I am missing? They are kept in similar temperatures to the germination one, with a moderate amount of light.

A lower temperature might be better, they could also be suffering from damping off.

With mine I pop them in a cool greenhouse after germination and keep them frost free and lightly shaded with lots of ventilation (no draughts). You might like to try watering with chamomile tea to keep damping off fungi at bay.

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

I'll try the lower temperature.
I don't think it is damping off as my compost is a mixture of (mainly) vermiculite and vermicompost. Nothing else damps off in it...
Will give them a quick chamomile tea drink anyway...
Thanks for the tip anyway...

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