MG's Cardinal Climber, etc START WHEN?

knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

When can I put these flowering vine seeds out? I am in ZONE 7 and it is currently BEAUTIFUL. What do you think?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I would think you could go ahead. Those often self seed and a bit of cold is not going to hurt them. I was actually thinking of putting mine out today but decided to wait a bit longer. Of course it is warmer where you are. ;)

knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Ok! I will go ahead this weekend and put the seeds out. I am going to try to cover a trellis with various climbers. How soon will they grow up it and bloom? I have NO experience with climbers at ALL.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have had morning glories blooming in June, self sown. I then took those seeds and threw them on the ground and they also bloomed a month or two later due to the warmth making them come up so quick. I would say it depends on the varieties and what type of weather we get this year.

Hurst, TX(Zone 8a)

I am in zone 8a and have fallen behind in getting my vine seeds sown. The fence between my nabor and I collapsed two years ago. We both agreed that it did not have to be replaced as his property is about 6 ft higher than mine. I left the fence posts and strung vertical and horizontal wire between them. Last year I had morning glory and cardinal climbers growing up one post and hyacinth bean up the other. The cardinal climber was somewhat lost among the morning glories as the flowers are much smaller than the morning glories. This year the hyacinth bean is on one post and the cardinal climbers is on the other. In between I have morning glories and sweet peas planted. This will create a 20 ft by 6 ft wall of vibrant and mixed colors.

The advantage of doing vines is that they do not take a lot of ground space and can make a spectular display.


knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

I am hoping to cover seven trellis in my side yard with flowering vines but I have never done this before. Hopefully, I can post a picture of a success later on!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

My only caution to you would be to make sure all your freezes are done for the year. Although freezes won't hurt the seeds in the ground, if they sprout and it freezes or frosts on them, it will damage the small plants. I had this happen to me last year; it was beautiful and I planted and everything was up and growing and BAM a late freeze came in and killed it all! I had to replant all my morning glories! Either wait and be sure or make sure you can cover them if a threat of freeze comes after they are up.

Most morning glories say they take 50 - 80 days to bloom; I'm sure that depends on the weather - warmer = sooner.

Good luck!!


knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Glad I waited! We got REALLY cold this week! I think I am going to put this off until maybe two weekends from now...

with fingers crossed

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