Snail Vine

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)

Does anyone know what this term means??

In my book "Seeds to Blooms" they use
this term for growing Snail vine by seed.

Requirments, Dust seeds with pea or bean
inoculants; plant with eye facing downward. Provide 60-70 F.

Okay, I understand everything but "dust seeds with pea or bean inoculants". I
don't have a clue and can't find this term in S to B or any of my other books.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Let me see if I remember this right or not. Legumes need dusted with nitrogen fixing bacteria-legume innoculant. It supposedly helps them to germinate and also keeps them from taking up the nitrogen they don't need because they actually supply it. If I am not exactly correct, it is something like that. LOL It is just a black powder you can buy and sprinkle on the ground with the seeds or I usually wet the seeds roll them in the powder before planting. I use it on peas and beans but didn't use it when I sprouted this particular vine.

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


Is it made from peas or beans??
**Or does it mean to use when planting any bean like seed**. Where can you buy this (weird) stuff??

Did your Snail vine come-up without this stuff?? I only have a few seeds & want to make sure
the grow.

Thanks for any info you can give me.


This message was edited Mar 21, 2004 9:40 PM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure exactly where it comes from. The best I remember, it is a good bacteria. Like I said, I may not have the details just right, but close. I buy it at a local family owned nursery where they also carry bulk beans, corn, potatoes, feed, stuff like that. It's only a couple of bucks for like a 1/2 cup of the powder (pre pkgd) and it goes a long way. I haven't bought any yet or I would mail you some (and probably go to jail! LOL). My seeds sprouted and grew fine without it but didn't bloom that year. They bloom much sooner from cuttings.

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)

Thanks Badseed,

We have a Farm Co-Op here, surely they should have it.

I just wasn't sure if the stuff was made from beans or peas. Guess I was having a "senior moment".

I have ordered the plants from
Parks, but so far don't know if or when will get them. I have
heard they are really hard to get. I did order very early, so maybe I'll be lucky & be at the head of the list.

Thanks for all your help.


Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)


Thanks so much. I found it at
the Farmer Co-op here. Haven't
had time to read direction yet, but will this weekend.

Thanks again,


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

No problem. :) I just happen to have used it before and am familiar with it. I wish you well with the snail vines. They are beautiful plants!

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