PLumeria Cuttings

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

In the middle of January one of our garden buddies was looking for the plumeria cuttings. My neighbor has two trees so I took some cuttings for Marie and 2 for me. I planted them and have been taking care of them as outlined in Plumeria101. Finally, lookee here.................


Marie, how's yours?

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh how exciting for you! I have my six new cuttings potted up (1 week so far) and am patiently waititng for signs of root growth. All are still nice and green and healthy looking so hopefully I will be as lucky as you ;-)


Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

that looks like it's going to bloom before it gets leaves. lol that is real lucky.

Homestead, FL(Zone 10b)

That looks great Molly. Which plumeria is it? I'd love to see photographs when it blooms.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Delecie, all I know is there are 2 trees twined together, one is pink and one is yellow. I have a cutting of each. Don't know which this one is (I might have known when I cut them?). THe momma trees have been bare all winter and are just now getting some leaves on the very top branches. The trees are about 15 feet tall.

I certainly will post photos when they bloom.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Here's mine Molly.....poor plant will be in total shock when it wakes up here! Can hardly wait till I see new growth on it!!

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Wow Pam is that called Whipped Creme & Cherries?


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Like rikerbear's mine has only been planted for a short time.

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Not sure what the orchids name is....I've had it for four years now and the blooms get better and better each year! The plumie will be a surprise...was told it was either red or white. I don't care.....I just want it to bloom!!! :D

The little vining plant in front of the window is Thunbergia Grandiflora.....I really hope this year it will bloom as well!

This message was edited Mar 21, 2004 3:48 PM

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hello Friends.
I've been doing a bunch of "cloning" or propigating cuttings over the years and have a technique that has yet to let me down. Today is week 2 on an expirament of rooting Passiflora's and Brugmansia's. I have had excellent luck, I had 1 Passiflora root on day 10 and everything has roots showing on day 14. I cheat and use "Rootech" cloning gel and stick the cuts into little foam blocks called Oasis cubes, much like rockwool cubes in a way. I also use trays w/ humidity domes to keep humidity way up there.
The above link shows our collective expirament along w/ different techniques. It's a very LONG thread, skip down atleast 3/4 the thread and you'll see how I've been doing it.
I alos must warn you I can get darn wordy when posting, sorry in advance. I need to update the photo's to show how everything has rooted in cubes and why I like cubes so much. After getting roots on any cutting, you end up w. a mass of roots that need to be handled in a delicate manor. If you use these cubes, you automatically have a "handle" to carry cuts with and the cubes disapear/degrade into nothing. It makes handling cuts much easier imo. I think I'll start a thread just on this method of rooting. Please tell me what you think and if it's worth it's own thread.
I've also had success rooting almost everything I've tried using this method. Coleus will root in less than 1 week. My wife loves them so we only buy 1 at this time of the year and I butcher it into as many cuttings as possible, it saves me soo much money too. Its the only way this poor boy can keep his wife happy and gardens full.
Sorry if I got too wordy again;)

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

JD, did you start that thread? If so I can't find it...give me a hint, ok?

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Yes I did Julie and we all had great success! I believe I named the thread "rooting passiflora's 2.0". I'll try to find it but I haven't checked bacl on it inna long time. All the cuttings are now flowers in the yard;). I rooted a lot of Passiflora, Brugmansia, and 2 Jasmenoides(sp) aka Pink Bower Vine, and some others....I'll look for the link too

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks Jeff...
I've found and bookmarked that thread. It's excellent! Lots of great info in there. Sorry, I just didn't connect the two threads. :-)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

No Problem and feel free to ask me any Q's you may have. I love to spread the knowledge that has been shared with me. In turn, that means more plants to trade between us all! Please keep me posted.

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