Morning Glories

Cliffsend, Kent, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Made a bit of mistake and left my morning glory seedlings in the Conservatory as I was busy with a client - the sun seems to have killed off the seedling leaves, but the true leaves seem to be okay. I have tried to keep them out of direct sunlight - will they recover? or have I killed them?

seedlings are well established about 2-3 inches high.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

if the true leaves are still there and doing good then they should be okay. morning glories like their sun. keep them in partial sun for a few days and should be okay. the seedling leaves would of died off anyway. if well rooted and still green just baby them a little and should be okay.

Cliffsend, Kent, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Thanx for the reply
the seedlings have perked up since I posted - I gave them a good drink and brought them into the house out of the sun ;-)

Some slight scorching of the seedling leaves, but if these are to drop then that's okay....

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

like i said baby them for a few days and you should see the runner start to come out the true leaves soon. yes baby leaves will die off. i have never had any of my morning glories keep theirs. i guess they are just a burst of energy for the main plants.

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

How big does Blue Dawn get? I got mine at the end of fall and it died back, but it is coming along great I want to place it. How big of a trellis or pole will I need? I was thinking of growing it up a 7ft tree stump I have.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

blue dawn can get that big and more. if the stump is no longer wanted then it wwill make a good spot for blue dawn every year. good luck with it. i am still trying to find one.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Montery: Blue dawn will grow very high, at least 10 feet or more, and it will runner nearly everywhere, just beautiful, however if you don't want it to take over, you would need to confine to large pot or something, and like me here in OH, I have mine in a pot that can be brought indoors for the winter months. Right now mine in a 3 gallon pot has already this spring climbed up 4 feet to the top of the stake I have in the pot :)

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Mine is in a 5gal. I think I just keep wraping it,or screw in some cross pieces.The nursery that I first saw it at lets it die back to the ground, then come back.

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