Need Step-by-Step instructions on rooting these vines

Mesilla Park, NM

Distictis Buccinatoria - Red Trumpet Vine
Bignonia violacea - Lavender Trumpet Vine
Pandora Jasminoides - Bower Vines
Hardenbergia Violacea
stephanotis Floribunda - Madagascar Jasmine

Just purchased my heating mat and am ready to go.. before I cut on these vines, I would love to get some advice from you all on rooting. Some of these are big enough to take several cuttings and some are just small enough for a couple of cuttings, so i just want to give them a good chance. I appreciate any tips that you all have because I don't know whether to start them off in water or on the heat mat. Thanks in advance.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Gourd, I finally got the powdered kelp I ordered. The instructions for rooting cuttings are to mix 2 tsp. kelp powder in a gallon of water and soak the cuttings for 24 hours.

Then I dip in rooting hormone and put them in a sand/vermiculite mix. I just did some, and I'll let you know how they fare.

Last fall I tried rooting some things on the heat mat. They all died. Could have been my skills, or maybe too much heat? At any rate, I'm not using the heat mat for that. It has tomato seeds on it right now.

Mesilla Park, NM

Hi Darius,
I just got the powdered kelp also.. will soak the cuttings in it, didn't think about that, thanks. I have not cut any of them yet, because this is my first try, with vines. I read on the kelp bottle where it is also used to soak seeds. Will start some cuttings this weekend probably. I am thinking that maybe a dome for humidity might be something to use (or a large clear plastic trash bags) the ones they use for shredder paper. Maybe just wrap the whole flat or container in with large plastic then place in front of a sunny window. A.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Gourd, I wouldn't put the cuttings in a sunny window. Covered, they may get too hot. In the summer, I put mine in the dhade, with great results.

I use soda bottles cut into 2 pcs. so the top covers the bottom, sort of a mini-greenhuse for one.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I have been looking for stephanotis Floribunda - Madagascar Jasmine for weeks now with NO luck.
Where did you get yours and how can I get my hands on one/some too? :-)


Mesilla Park, NM

Hi Marc, I got mine at Lowes for 8.00 (one gallon pot), will try my hand at rooting a couple. It was a left over vine they had (they have two more left there). It was weathered and had been cut down, but has enough to get a couple of cuttings, so I was going to try rooting some. Do you know how to root it? Also, can try to root one for you, but I am not sure I know how to do it.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Lowes! I have been checking at all the local nurseries and garden centers....never would have thought to look at Lowes or Home Depot. I must go look this weekend.
Thanks for the info Gourd. And good luck with your cuttings.
If you find it easier than you thought I may take you up on our offer of a start should I not find a plant of my own. :-)

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

The Pandora Jasminoides - Bower Vines root very easily.. I just snip, stick into a seed starting soil down at least 2-3 nodes, keep damp, and they are rooted in just a couple of weeks.. No more to it..Most cuttings work this way for me.. The less fuss the better..Don't make it harder than it is, LOL.. Good luck..

Mesilla Park, NM

Larkie, that sounds great to me.. I got started with a couple of cuttings today and will do more tomorrow. Thank you.. Antoinette

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