disaster in my seed box!

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

ok.. i feel really dumb now
i just took my seed box outside to do some planting
biiiiiig mistake there
i should have only taken a few packets out to the garden, the ones i was intending to plant
but i like to keep everything together so nothing gets misplaced, so i took the whoooooole box outside
can you see where this one's going? lol
i sat the box down and went to get a bucket of water and a milk crate to sit on, came back and started moistening some dirt... and my hand slipped....
and now my whole box of seeds is soaked
can i just dry everything out again and repacket it and hope for the best?
or should i plant what i'm going to use, and toss everything else?

i hate when i do dumb stuff like this!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh my! I hate it when I do things like that...and lord knows I do them offen enough. :-0
Whether or not you can simply dry the seeds would depend on what types you have. More than likely you'll be just fine as one brief wetting shouldn't do any damage nor start the germination process.
Dry em off, repack them, and for heavens sake put a lid on the box :-)


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