
Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

What is the peony in post #3148368. I absolutely love the coloring....

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Libi, where are you purchasing your peonies?

Loved the coloration in that lavender colored one.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

I see the one I loved (Petit Elegance) was a Klehm hybrid from 2005. Funny, all those trips through Song Sparrow's catalog & I never noticed how beautiful it was. There is offered by them, and others. Wow, do I love the dual shading in that one.

Quebec, QC(Zone 4b)

I purchase my peonies at 2 nurserys in Quebec, Canada. You can purchase too.

Calhoun, KY(Zone 6b)

I haven't ordered any peony in a while...really need to have split mine up this past year but didn't... Here is a one pic of mine..
They never last long enough for me and it one of my favorite bloomers...

Thumbnail by prettylady24
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi, Peggy
That is a pretty one. How many years has it been planted? I have 3 large clumps that need dividing I guess. They had lots of blooms last Spring so I almost hate to disturb them.
Teresa in KY

Calhoun, KY(Zone 6b)

Theresa I had these for 4-5 years before I married hubby and we will have been together 8 years in May...LOL.... this is how my mind immediately calculated years...I don't know their names...they were lost in the move I suppose...they smell so wonderful..
I am thinking fall is the time to divide them.... When you get ready to divide yours would you like to do a bit of swapping..I have pink, white, pinkish white and a med deep rose...

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

You have dmail, Peggy

Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

I have a peony that I really do like. This is Pastelegance. This was hybridized by Bill Seidl using Salmon Dream and Lemon Chiffon. This plant is not yet available on the market but it should be in another few years.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

This is Paeonia tenuifolia 'rosea', otherwise known as the pink blooming fernleaf peony. Most people seem to think this plant is fussy. It seems to be a pretty happy plant for me. It definitely wants a dryer location with good drainage. The foliage is not as feathery as the double red fernleaf but still it is very nice.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

Kokuryu Nishiki is a tree peony from Japan. The flowers are huge but the actual color is much more purple than it shows in this picture. My photography just will not show purple flowers as being purple. The petals are really purple and they are edged in white and there is a white flare on the back of each petal. This plant has magnificent flowers.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

This is Golly, It is a flower in flower type of peony. I do like the plant but it does not stand well if it gets rain in the height of bloom.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Leon, where do you get most of your peony from? You have cultivars that probably aren't easy to get??


Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

I have gotten my peonies from various places. Many came from our local peony society. We have a sale every other fall. Some I have gotten from friends and others I have purchased directly from the originator.

Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

First Arrival is one of Roger Anderson's intersectional peonies. This was a first year bloom. It was really nice and I expect it will get better and better as the plant gets larger.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Thanks for the lovely pictures!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Roger Anderson has wonderful hybrids. I'm hoping after his break of 5 years,he comes back to wow us some more.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Cheddar Charm - A nice thing about this one is that it doesn't readily flop over.

This message was edited Feb 18, 2007 8:26 PM

Thumbnail by snapple45
Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Leon, you have gorgeous peonies! Would like to purchase a couple of those this fall, but haven't ever seen them for sale before.
I understand your weather is gradually warming up more than mine, so enjoy.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Here's a great source for intersectionals, they are more expensive, but boy are they lovely!!

Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

Magnolialover, is the company that bought Roger Andersons stock of intersectional peonies.

I am really impressed with intersectional peonies. I haven't counted lately, but I think I have about 12 or so in my yard and they really are agressive plants. They build up really fast even from a small division and they just get better and better. Intersectional peonies are the new thing in the peony market and I think we will see more of them as time goes on.


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

I have had many years of visits to Roger Anderson's farm in Fort Atkinson, Wi. Many memories of visits with my parents and grandparents while touring the fields during peak bloom. The intersectionals are VERY impressive. I think Roger told me that after "selling out" that one particular company had purchased a number of Bartzellas and they were sold out BEFORE they even had them in their hands. The price was like $400, this was a few years ago (this was twice as much as he sold them for). It wasn't Best Peony, but I do know he said much of his stock went there.
It broke my heart we he sold out. He did mention that he could continue to work on hybridizing, but could not bring anything into market for 5 years. It is my hope that his fields return and that he returns to the market; I think it is likely.
Leon, have you had good luck buying from Hollingsworth? The prices aren't too bad. I've often purchased from Klehms Songsparrow.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow, those Roger Anderson intersectionals are fantastic. My husband will shoot me if I were to spend that much on any plant.. Maybe I'll show him that site so when I want to go to Hollingsworth's in May he won't balk as much. :)


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Another Intersectional source is Solaris Farms. I have posted this site before, but the prices are good and that's where I bought "Bartzella", finally. It was a very, very large start. I hope to be rewarded this summer with something from that giant plant! Stay tuned.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

What is an intersectional?

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

This was taken from Best Peony website. It is a great description of the intersectional attributes.
"Intersectional peonies are the result of crossing two different species of peony. Our intersectionals are the result of crossing tree peony (lutea species- it’s kind of like a woody shrub) with herbaceous peonies (lactiflora- like the ones grandma grew). The resulting plants combine the best qualities of their parents:"

"They are zone 4 hardy perennials. These will grow anywhere the herbaceous peonies (like the ones grandma grew) are grown. "

"They are vigorous growers."

"New vibrant colors unavailable before in the peony family."

"Strong, sturdy stems hold the flowers upright."

"Larger flowers; up to 10 inches across."

"Side buds which extend bloom time."

"Many varieties are fragrant."

"Foliage stays green and lush until frost."

"After a hard freeze, foliage can be cut down as they will regrow next spring from underground eyes."

Taken from Best

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

magnolialover you beat me to it.
This was taken directly from

"Intersectional hybrids peonies are produced by crossing herbaceous "garden" peonies with tree peonies. The primary reason for doing this is to create yellow herbaceous peonies. Intersectional peonies exhibit tree peony flowers and foliage on plants that are herbaceous in habit. They come in many colors and shades, but as you will see, yellow is the most common color."

Taken directly form intersectionalpeonies.ocm

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, I tried the link again and it opened this time. Is their other places where they all less expensive? I love the colors. I only have the granny type peonies in white and pink. Family gifted.

At my Master Gardener class the instuctor is from Iowa orginally. She asked did anyone have Pinney bushes. No one did and then precided to tell the story that they were peONy bushes. That is what her grandmother called them. I had heard them spoken like pee a knee.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Solaris Farms have the best prices I have seen and I have experience with the quality, as well now. If you see something else, for less, let us know. It is my opinion that they(intersectional) are a lot stronger grower than herbacious peonies. But all peonies are lovely;)

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

"Intersectional" Uh Oh . . . another gardening addiction

Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)


Hollingsworth is a very reputable peony grower and I am sure you will get good stock from them. I assume you can request a catalog from the website. However, the website may have everything they are offering this year.


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks. I'm used to get my peonies from Roger Anderson, but for now, that source is not available :( Klehms is nice, but a bit on the expensive side. I do realize you get what you pay for, I'm a huge believer in that and I love supporting the growers, not the big guys. Thanks for your take on this grower.

Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)

Today was a beautiful day. The temperature got up into the 60's and I was able to do some browsing around in my garden.

Twin Lakes - Yeah intersectionals are addictive and contageous too. When I was looking at my peony beds I was trying to count different types of peonies that I have. Yesterday I tried to tell someone how many tree peonies that I had and truthfully I could not even venture a guess that I thought might be accrurate. I did give her a guess and then began to doubt myself. When you can't tell someone how many different cultivars of peonies you grow in your yard, then it has grown beyond addiction. I wonder if there could be a desease I can blame the peony addiction on.

If you grow tree peonies and herbaceou peonies you should be trying to hybridize them. I have been trying but I think I have been using a tree peony that may have sterile pollen. I have not had one seedling to germinate in the past 3 years. The year before that I got some tree peony pollen from a friend that is known to be a good pollen parent. That year resulted in one intersectional seedling. I am hoping that in another few years I will see a bloom from that plant.


The picture below is a seedling of P. rockii. It is the most double bloom of the rocks that I have and is near white with just a hint of lavender. Not too much of the dark flares show because the bloom is so double.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)


Which Anderson intersectionals do you have?

The photo below is Lemon Dream, an intersectional of Roger Anderson. This is a first year bloom but shows some of variablility that can happen within the bloom. Each blooms can be all yellow, all pink, or either color with marking of the other color. Occasionally you can have a bloom that is yellow on one half and pink on the other. This is an unusual peony. Lemon Dream is a sibling of Bartzella and when all of the flowers on the plant is all yellow LD can look very much like Bart.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

I only have Bartzella. The other peonies I have purchased from Anderson are herbaceous peonies. I'm thinking that I would like to add an Intersectional to my garden each year. The prices are expensive, but if I gradually add, it will seem like less than if I just bought 5 this year. Otherwise, my lily budget would be left with nothing and we can't have that! ;)
How large is Lemon Dream's flower, as big as Bart? I can't recall, though I must have seen it in Roger's field at one time or another. Bart is a beauty though.

Eudora, KS(Zone 5b)


Yeah, Lemon Dream is really very similar to Bart in fullness and flower size. it really is a nice plant. Some people say it is not as vigorous as Bart but I am not sure that is true. I was looking at my plant of Lemon Dream this afternoon and it appears to have really multiplied a lot from last year. Seems most of these intersectionals need to be divided every other year. If you leave them in the ground for 5 years you have a crown mass the size of a Volkswagon bug.

Tree peony Shiko Nishiki. Again the flower is more purple than this photo shows and not nearly as red.

Thumbnail by LeonPez
OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

That is just lovely!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

I remember Roger saying once to someone else touring the fields that he would divide his Barzella. The payment was that he got one division . He stated how difficult it was to split and I want to say, he said, he used a chainsaw. It must be like wood.
I love tree peonies too. My favorite herbaceous ones are the coral colors.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

I haven't met a peony that I didn't like. :) It's getting close to peony time. :) Just another couple months and well... :)


OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

that's what I've been thinking; February is almost over and then my mood will improve.

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