Ornamental Sweet Potato Vines

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Can I just plant the tuber in ground to grow.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Yes. Here is the link - look down for "propagation methods"


Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Karrie: Thanks, I have a bunch of these. I have some in water for the cuttings. Think I will try putting a few in ground to see how well they do. I would think they would do great.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Debby, which ones do you have? Are you bringing any to the swap? Cuttings, I mean?

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Brugie: I have Blackie and Margarite. Yes, I am bringing some cuttings to the swap. I cut some blackies off today to root.
I also put some in water today of each. They were startiing to grow in the bag. My cousin had some, but alas they were slimy with mold. She was to get them to me earlier, but didn't. Ted said he still had a big sack of them at work. I told him to get those burgers home. So we should have enough.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Great. Thanks Deb. I have a few, but not enough to take to the Roundup. I have Ace of Spades and would like a Blackie. I also have the Margarite.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Whoo-Hoo....... I finally got started and have some Cinnamon Chinese Yam Air Potato Vine seeds and some Air Potato Vine Dioscorea bulbifera ( Bitter Yam ).
..............Do these get started by just pushing them partly into the soil?

........The Cinnamon Chinese Yam vine seeds are small and the Air Potato seeds are averaging around golf ball size.

The ones you guys are talking about sound so pretty =)

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Dear Debby

I was with you.
So were many of us.


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Scoot, the Air Potato Vine, Dioscorea bulbifera needs to be planted in a pot of good soil if you want to start it early. I plant mine about an inch below the surface of the soil, mainly because I could not find anyplace that could tell me how to do it. It has worked for several years, so it must be okay. I wouldn't start it until about the first of April. I started mine a little too early last year and I had to keep cutting it back. The vines will grow three or four inches a day when they first start growing.

Wish I could help with the Cinnamon Chinese Yam Air Potato Vine seeds, but I've never heard of them before. Will be anxious to see how they do and what they do.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

This is all I have so far on the Cinnamon vines.....

Cinnamon Vine (Dioscorea batata)
Technically Dioscorea batata, also known as Chinese Yam. Very decorative, glossy heart-shaped leaves on a twining stem will climb anything within reach and grow 12' or so given some support. The tiny white flowers release a strong scent of cinnamon as they dry out and turn brown.

Underground, after the second year, a large edible tuber forms. However, it is quite deep, and hard (impossible?) to dig out.

More usefully, after the flowers drop off, little aerial tubers (also edible, and much easier to harvest!) form at the leaf bases. They are planted just like a seed and will soon produce a new plant. Good in the greenhouse or conservatory, or outdoors.

Very hardy; dies back in the winter, but resprouts the following spring.

This message was edited Mar 1, 2004 12:55 PM

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Very unusual. At least something I've not seen before. Would like to give it a go some time when you have grown it and it has produced seed for you. How's that for begging? LOL!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Ya done good !!!!

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)


This is one of the best pages I've ever found about true (Dioscorea) Yams:


One of the coolest ones I've ever seen is Dioscorea macrostachys, Elephant foot. I love the pattern on the tuber.


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks eje,
............ really nice of you to post those links for us.
Isn't that Elephants Foot something ? I have a folder of "Gotta Have Plants" and the EF has been on my list for a few years. Problem is I have too many entries in there....LOL
Then last year came TB Iris and Brugs...I am a lost soul wandering in the horticultural world......LOL

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Here's a strange one that should make Rooty go nutz..
Giant Swamp Taro

Thumbnail by scooterbug
San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

Yes, Elephant's Foot. There is a really huge one at a green house in a park here. Unfortunately, my digital camera decided to choose that moment to go on the fritz, so I couldn't take a photo.


That's some amazing Taro! Did you take that photo? Surely that can't be in Twin Lakes! (I'm originally from Mt. Horeb, up near Madison, WI.)

Was looking for some colorful viney elements for containers and almost bought some ornamental Ipomoeas at the garden center today; but, they looked too ratty, so I resisted.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Not in WI I'm afraid..lol
I had this pic in my stash and have not the faintest idea where or when I found it !
Ipomoeas are beautiful but have never had any . I have seeds for a Red Cypress Fern Vine ?? Is this an Ipomoea ?

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