
Murphys, CA(Zone 7b)

what types of lights can be used to start seeds? As you might have already guessed I am a beginner.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

what type of seeds? I use plain old flourescent lights, fairly close to the flats. If you use the halogens, you should have them farther from the flats, from what I've learned anyways. I have a dark basement, but have seeds germinating like there is no tomorrow under the double flourescent lights, on a table right next to the furnace.

I see that I have spelled floursescent wrong, from this spell check, but don't know how to spell it or even care - I think people know what I'm trying to spell here anyways! :)

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I use fluorescents also. They work well for seeds and medium light plants. Easy to find (hardware store), don't eat up too much electricity, and low heat (safer). I have sets of 4 48" tubes as I grow a lot of things under lights.

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

For foliage only (as in seedlings) you can get away with cool white fluorescent bulbs. Place them within an inch or two of the planting medium. If you are attempting to grow a flowering plant indoors, you can either use one cool white combined with one warm white, or you can upgrade to the plant/aquarium tubes which are more expensive, but seem to do a fantastic job. Whatever you decide, they need to be switched out once a year as they lose their efficacy over time. You can also buy incandescent plant bulbs, but they put out too much heat for seeds, in my opinion.

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