
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Ugly word.

I think I'm having discrimination at university. You know I was ill during the months when I started my M.Sc? I started going blind - glaucoma. Well, I failed a couple of modules because of it. And the wretched university wouldn't let me re-sit them as first sits - they failed me and made me transfer onto a different course.

I eventually had an appointment with an officer of the RNIB - he produced a report with recommendations for the uni to follow.

1. I submitted the report to a Disability Officer within my Computing Dept. He's sat on it. No action taken. He's only had it since September 2002. I've emailed him to get the software I need - no reply. I emailed him again a few days ago. No reply.

2. I was seeing a Disability Support Officer wthin Support Services. Initially she was helpful. I submitted the report to her. I was supposed to see her for an appointment. But the time she gave me was no use to me - and that was AFTER I had emailed her to say "Not Tuesday afternoons, I have lectures then". She emailed me right back with a Tuesday afternoon apptment. I emailed her back right away - "No can do, another afternoon please." No reply.

So, at this moment not a single recommendation of the RNIB has been applied.

I'm thoroughly fed up.

I'm agitating for action again. I don't know why - it's plainly obvious the university has no interest in serving its disabled students. There are actually laws in place now that should prevent this happening. One university has already been sued.

I made an appointment earlier this week with another Disability Officer - I've heard better reviews of this one. It's not till a months' time though.

I joined a Mature Students' Group at university this autumn. I spoke to their Chairman a day or two ago. He's going to try and get me an earlier appointment with the Disability Officer. He was very angry at hearing that a Disability Offficer hadn't replied to my emails.

Fed up. I wish it wasn't snowing. I wanna go on a jaunt!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh Northerner, I am so sorry to hear this. It seems like so many things have gone against you this past year or so. I do hope this Chairman of the new group can help you.
Maybe another jaunt will help raise your spirits a bit? Hang in there, things have to look brighter!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Northener,like djm said, hang in there. It's so unfair that you should have to keep bashing your head against a brick wall like this , but unfortunately it seems that this is what happens so often.
We just have to keep bashing away at it until we get heard, and somethings done.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Yes..I can sure agree with Sueone and DJM...please hang in there and I know what you're talking about. My son is a very intelligent young man and also has an authistic disorder. As I am his mother I've had a long way to get understanding and better circumstances for him from teachers, neighbourhood and so on. And I'm still fighting for it. His disability is not seen, it's inside ... and a lot of people also have'nt heard about it...yes they now "Rainman"...but that's it. I know it's maybe not quite what you've experienced, but yes ...I recognize your struggles.

I also want you to know that I enjoy your postings so much telling me so beautifull about your country.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I agree with everyone here - keep at it Diane!
I do hope you can get some justice with this

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all.

One of the lecturers is trying to think about some software for me.

Of course I still haven't managed to get a chance to re-do the modules that were affected by gluacoma and I seriously doubt if I ever will. Looks like I'd have to enrol with the Open University and do the equivalent ones there. I spoke to the Education Officer here and he said it's too late to do anything.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Further news. Good news.

I bumped into Mick again at teatime in the uni bar. He's Chairman of the Mature Students Group. I joined for a social life. But the group also looks at discrimination and legal things.

He's got me to see the Disability Officer on Monday!!!!!!Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Brilliant news!!!
Let's hope this is an about turn in fortune and you get some proper backup now

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

That's great for you Northener..finally it works like their policy is (if I 've understood well ?).

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

good on you northener, hope this guy knows his stuff, and actually comes up with something posative for you.
Keep us posted.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm still battling uni. Two years it's taken them to get to grips with the onset of my disability. Good news is they're finally starting to put together some support for me. But too little and too late.
The uni is going to put some software for me on a computer in one of the labs. They're also going to try and improve library access for me.

But I haven't had a chance to re-do the modules that were affected by illness. So I haven't had the chance to get marks that reflect my real ability. Effectively I've been discriminated against. And realistically it's too late to correct it now.

A couple of advisers have suggested I go through the university's Complaints Procedure.

I had a short session this afternoon with a student counsellor called Pamela. I've seen her before - she's much the nicest of the ones I've seen. She has a very soothing personality. She was quite stunned that with all I've been through I'm still here. She also remembered me talking about Farndale's daffies the last time I saw her and how I intended to go and see them (this was about 7 months before my visit to the North York Moors). Me and my talk of Farndale's daffies must have made quite an impression on her. :)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL Diane! I'm sure you will have made an impression on her in general - not just daffies

So sorry they're doesn't seem a way to make things right. The system, or lack of it stinks!!
Hope you can pursue things and at least get more recognition than they've shown to date.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I may decide to go through their Complaints Procedures Philomel. Two of the advisers have suggested it. Maybe I can get an apology from the uni?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

That would certainly be something.
Would you then be able to use this apology if looking for a job etc?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not really Philomel. Employers are only interested in qualifications that I have actually gained - not the ones that I MIGHT have gained.
I might be able to get a little bit of my fees back. And a written apology would be good for my soul. But I think I will need to do a small course somwhere else to regain my confidence. The debacle has damaged my self-esteem. And I'm very very angry about that!

Of course, perhaps I should have sued them? What they've done to me could be construed as discrimination - and it's actually illegal.

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