Stupid Question

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Probably. But, what is the best way to root Butterfly bush cuttings, and when?
I tried to root some last year by soaking in water, I took new growth, but they just shriveled up and died. I have a gorgeous Yellow Butterfly bush, and would like to have more. I was wondering if I took cuttings now while it's dormant, would I have a better chance of getting it to root?

I have rooting hormone, but, I'm not good at this at all, I have to be doing something wrong! I tried doing wygelia and another shrub last year whose name escapes me right now, and none of them rooted either. now, give me a broken impatien, I can stick it in water and it takes off, but not shrubs... HELP!!! LOL

Norlina, NC(Zone 7a)

Hey there lady! Butterfly bushes are super easy to root. What I do is just snip off some of the actively growing branches/softwood cuttings around May and stick them in the ground beside the bush. They get water and fertilizer when the mama does. I think I got around 5 new bushes last year, gave em all away though. I am not sure about the length of the growing season where you are or whether that would make a difference. I know that you can root in water, but it is easier for me to just stick the cuttings in the ground whenever a branch breaks or I'm just in a trimming mood. Got some baby Caryopteris this way too. Just trimmed the Wieglia today, that thing was a bear, not sure if I am gonna try to root the hardwood cuttings though.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Melissa, there is a very good book I recommended on the "bookk worm" thingy. American Horticultural Society Propgatiion" you can only find it there if you turn to propagation. I tell you - that book will tell you everything you need to know and more!!!! I've drug it out and quote things before, but people ask all the time, so just go the library or better yet buy the book - it's a goodie.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey Melissa!
I pretty much do the same as Karen. I use firm new growth. I root mine in seed growing medium in deep cells and I put them on the deck where they get some shade until the roots are established. They all root really well like this except hard wood or older wood. Most of the time they bloom while still in the cells. Funny to see. :)

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