
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I have ate strawberries my whole life, I have even done U-Pick-Ems strawberries, but I have never grown a strawberry until today!

I took the pictures, then I ate it. (My dh is allergic so they are aaaalllllll mine!)

After I took the pictures I looked over all the plants trying to find another berry. Saw a couple flowers but no berries. But surprise! If you look very carefully you'll see there's another one getting ready to grow up to pass between my lips. LOL

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Way to go girl. I wish I could have homegrown strawberries in Feb.LOL. Jody

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Molly, you are disgusting... flaunting a fresh strawberry in February!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Molly I see you are doing OK with the berry dept. Were these the one's you bought recently? I've been eating some whoppers for two weeks now, but my plants are a year old. How are your tomato plants doing?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes TPLant, these are the berries I recently put in. Blooming this past week, now the berries are growing. But, But, But, I had to eat that one so that big bird circling overhead wouldn't get it. (LOL)

The tomatos are doing great. We have been taking them in and making salads, giving some to the neighbors, and I just munch on the cherry tomatos while I'm working in the garden.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I feel sorry for the above that are drooling for fresh strawberries and tomatos, but what can we do??
it's the price of living up north !!
P.S. Don't get too much sun --- you don't want to get sunburn !

This message was edited Feb 19, 2004 11:14 PM

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Molly, we live near a large U Pick strawberry patch. We love them fresh and in desserts!

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Anybody know where that bucket of tar went? lol
These guys should definatly suffer for their flagrent display of zone bounty.

Seriously, when I lived in southern Cal. the strawberry harvest was always in Feb and March. THAT, I miss.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Skyeblu -- I hear you. Lived in New York for 42yrs. As a gardener, I felt useless during the long,long offseason.When I had an oppourtunity to transfer to Miami I jumped at it. I just love it here. I can grow most anything, anytime. This state should be called "Gardeners Delight".
Must remember to never pass thru Stockton. Tar does not go well with my complexion.!!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I think they are all old time growers just trying to make us feel bad! Wait 'till summer here, I will post a picture of some nice big, fat, juicy ears of corn that I know they can't grow in FL. (Well maybe grow it, but no taste!) Have living proof of that.
Had some out of the freezer the other day, almost tasted as good as fresh,(or else I was just thinking it did.)
We can almost see the straw that is covering our berry patch.
Going to 40º today so maybe more snow will disappear.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Bernie, Truly was my first grown berry. And I know when you get your corn growing, I will be so envious. I love farm fresh corn!


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Molly, I received a flyer from Gurney's : Strawberries big as peaches. Have you heard of those. I like the really sweet, smaller ones. Our local truck patch has several varieties.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Teresa, I went to Gurneys for my Snap Pea, Bean and lettuce seeds. I got the strawberry plants from Home Depot on a whim. Glad I did. I'll get these harvested and then plan for my next strawberry crop with a little more thinking. LOL

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I got the Gurney strawberry thing too.
The cute part is the first line;"As a Gurney's Preferred Customer, you have a-----" it goes on & on.
I haven't done business with them for over 10 years.
Use your own judgement!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Y'all -- I bought those so called "Whopper" berries,100 of them last year and I now have seven plants.I mentioned previously that only a few varieties are suited for our climate and in all fairness I can not blame Gurney, but the ones that grew and had fruit, are tasteless. I ordered 100 "Sweet Charley" that is recomended for my zone.
COUNTRY GARDENS -- Your prior statement sounds like a challenge and to uphold the reputation of the Florida strawberry, I accept. My Charlies will arrive after March 1.
May the best strawberry win!!!

Well it sure gives one a larger respect for farmers who supply the usa with food...

Im still happy if I only get ten ears of corn, a pound of berries..
but a reminder of how hard gardening is...

eat it and enjoy.. not only the satisfaction of eating it, but
also know gardening in the fresh air and stress relief is sooooo
good for you...

hello from so california.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Our strawberries are Selva. They are the ones planted in Cal. & FL. to ship to grocery stores. We bought 1000 plants in spring 2002. Weeds took over. 2003 we took over, kept the weeds out & also watered as it was dry summer. These are everbearing so we had berries all summer. Lots got big as golf balls. Very good berries if you only pick them when completely red. I picked ever other day. Also nice big leaves to keep them hide from birds.
They come from

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