seeds-temperature sensitive???

Huntington, IN(Zone 5b)

Growing seeds in old shed with grow lights and heaters for heat and covered with plastic for humidity. If the temperature is kept most of the time at 70 degrees but at night it drops some, will seeds still germinate? It won't hurt them will it? Thanks for replying

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

P of G,
Everything I've read anywheres between 55* to 75* soil temperature is a good germinating seed temperature,so I think you'll do just fine.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Sometimes the fluctuating temps are helpful and needed to trigger germination. It's closer to what seeds would recieve from Mother Nature and and of course, she knows best.

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Mine that I started in my little GH are doing fine, they are slower germinating and growing than those under lights in the house, but my temps have been in the 50s a few nights and have been in the 90s a few days. I try to keep it in the 70s but its tough here. You shouldn't have any problem at all :)

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Here's what my tomatoes look like now,seeds where planted January 28th.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Peppers not doing as well planted same time.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

These morifola passifloras vines were planted at Christmas time,and look now.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Huntington, IN(Zone 5b)

Cannot life ever be simple????...One more problem,like I said this is an old shed,definately spooky and I found some kind of droppings, not mice but something much larger. Now I am afraid to check on my seedlings at night,every little creak I hear I scream!!!!!!!!A rat???? I become the worlds fastest runner and I'm lucky my bladders never full. I am going to have to go to Walmart tommorow for a trap and maybe some depends.(in case)
Thanks everybody for the germination info!!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

P of G
Leave an old radio playing at there all the time,noise usually will keep them away.Unless you think it might be big foot,than I'd start packing some heat!LOL!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy Pot! No, the drop in temp won't hurt them unless it is an extreme drop (less than 50) and for an extended period.

Don't know how many flats you are germinating but there is a thread here somewhere on how to make a heat table. (Easier to heat the soil in your flats than to heat the whole shed to 70.)

Grinnin' hear picturing you loading up with mouse traps and Depends! Hilarious! (Just wait til you stick a foot down into some rubber boots and feel something crawling out of them and up your leg! You'll dance!)


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

LOL,Horseshoe,that brings back memories 30 yrs past,I was working the oilfields,and it was winter time.
I was at my work place getting into my locker for my insulated coveralls,but one leg in fine,couldn't get the second leg in ,hit something hard,so I kept pushing hard,then the most awlful sqeeling you ever heard cominced,LOL,can't remember if it was me sqeeling or the huge rat trying to get out!!!Lesson learned that day for sure!!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

HAH!...Trust me! I hear ya! You did a jig too, didn't ya!!

I posted my personal episode of something like that somewhere...far be it for me to find it tho.

Sure gets your blood pumping tho, eh!?

Huntington, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey guys are you trying to help me or hinder me? Just kidding. Don't have to worry about rats anymore the radio is on full blast so even if ones around I couldn't hear it anyway.Thanks for the idea. Oh don't worry I will be putting on all my clothes and boots on in my mouse/rat free cozy,clean home. Just the thought of something crawling up or out of my leg !+#?!"%**#?!!!!! well, I am sure you can read between the lines.Yes,I need to go find that old forum about heating underneath my seedlings. Talk to you later.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yeah blood was pumping,but the heart felt like it stopped!!!!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Oh this thread was so funny. I'm still laughing.

Tropic man do you have a cooler area for your tomatoes, they look like they are growing too warm. Just my idea.

I have to leave now and go feed my birds and check my plants in the greenhouse. See you all later. Donna

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Donna,well it got to 84* in there yesterday,do you think that is to warm?
They did look better at bedtime it was 73*,they perked up a lot.

Huntington, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey are too bad.Really bad!!!!!!!

Huntington, IN(Zone 5b)

Wheres horseshoe??

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 6a)

Someone suggested your tomatoes are too warm? I believe it's not heat, but they could use more light.

The peppers have awfully long stems. And those stems will happen in a matter of hours, if the plants don't get full light immediately upon emergence.


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Hi Jim,
Well you know sun hits them around 8:30am,until about 4 pm,Iv'e been rotating them everyday 180*Started giving them some weak fertilizer last few days,there putting on more leaves but still somewhat lanky,more sun would help,but until it rises higher in the sky,its not gonna happen.

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