New England Gardeners, when should I start

Tilton, NH(Zone 4a)

tomatoes and melons? I have it on my calendar for early April, but I am wondering if that won't be too late. What do you do? I am not starting a lot - I don't have room, or the proper lighting, although I'm going to start beggin for a grow light... *sigh*


Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Linnea I just moved here from Salisbury, NH, not too far from you. The rule there was to start plants inside on Town Meeting Day, although if you have a late spring, your tomato plants will get awfully 'leggy'.

Early April is just about right, not too late, usually you can't set them outside until Memorial Day anyway, melons perhaps a litte later after the soil warms a little more.

The way the weather looks up there you won't be planting until July 4th!! :O) Lots of luck with your garden!

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)

As an experiment, I have already started some onions: Walla Walla, Ailsa Craig Exhibition, and Burpee Sweet & Early Hybrid.

Tilton, NH(Zone 4a)

Thanks for the advice, Big Red. I do know Salisbury - my husband performed his magic show for their library a couple years ago. They hold our record for smallest audience at twelve kids :)

Maine Man, I don't have any onion seeds yet this year, but it sounds like a good idea to get those started this early. I've never had any luck with onions from seed getting big enough to bother with.


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