bizzare weather!...

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yesterday was a beautiful calm and sunny day.I had a bath and was sat on the side of my bed about 7p.m.
Next thing I know there was a brilliant flash of lightening, a loud rumble of thunder,and then the wind just roared out of nowhere.
You could hear things taking off down the road.When I looked out of the widow it was thick snow going almost horizontrally accross the sky.Within minutes the ground was covered.Kids appeared from all over,laughing screaming,snowballing,(including my 11 and 26 year old).
1/2 hour later it stopped, everyone just vanished,and it went perfectly still again!
As I lay in bed though ,when ever anyone walked or drove down the road,all you could hear was like someone treading on broken glass.
A very strange 1/2 hour!
When I went into the garden this morning stuff, including really heavy items, were strewn all over.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

we missed the chilling north wind, the nightly freezes and the snow. The temperatures over the last week varied between -2 and +14

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