what variegated plants come true from seeds? anyone?

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

does anyone know what variegated plants come true form seeds or have grown them from seeds and they where variegated? any help would be appriciated or if there is a place on the web that i can find the answer to this question? thanks so much

There are so many species that show variegation in some of their plants it'd be a loooong list.

One of the important things to remember is that if you collect or buy seeds from a variegated parent is that only a percentage will show some sort of variegation. Even if the plants turn out to be variegated, they can revert to the more normal green. Cuttings from a variegated plant will be variegated (remembering they can revert and the plain must be cut off).

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

In my experience, Woodside columbine and variegated nicandra come back true from seed with good variegation. I believe the variegated nasturtiums, as well. I suppose the older the variety, the more likely it will come back true, but generally speaking I'm sure Baa is right about cuttings being the better choice when possible.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

yes i figured cuttings would be better but i cant find any cuttings of some plants but i can find the seeds,so that is why i was confussed. i know some will come true but wanted to know if anyone had tried any and they came true that i dont know about lol. like a hardy variegated geranium and a hibiscus tricolor etc. thanks so much for helping me

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Moretz, the Cranesbill type geranium commonly called Splish Splash has a variegated flower that comes back true, but you never know how much variegation the flowers will have until your plant reaches maturity and blooms. They are a form of Geranium pratense, and they are hardy self-seeders.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL i guess i need to let you all know that i was talking about the foliage being variegated not the blooms thanks though i am going to do a search and see if i can find anything on it,if i can i will post it here.i figure i am not the only one that would like to know this,thanks to you all for helping me so far great info.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Some plants grown from canna "Technicolor" seeds will have striped leaves. (This picture is canna "Technicolor.)

Thumbnail by Kelli
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Moretz, I think the message here is that the degree of variegation is a a gamble from seed. When you take cuttings, you have a better chance of having a nicely variegated plant. When growing from seed, grow some extra plants so that you can pick the nicest of the bunch. I know that the nicandra and nasturtium are variegated when they are tiny seedlings, so you'd know soon enough.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

ok so my best bet is to try them and see? ok i will ordering seeds lol thanks so much moretz

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hello moretz,

What about Galactites tomentosa?
This is one of my favorite variegated plants.
Every year I sow the seeds I harvested , and I have the same variegated ones.
It germinates and grows easily.
It's annual.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

It blooms like this.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

anyone else getting an error message on Tomtom's pictures or is it just too early in the morning?? :)

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

do you happen to have any seeds to trade? i would love to try that one,plmk

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)


Sorry,I've sowed all the seeds of this and none left.
If you'd wait till spring when I can harvest the seeds, I'll be glad to send you some.
If you would't wait you might order them from:


hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i have been wanting to order seeds from the UK but they dont deliever here in the USA. but thanks for letting me know where to order them though. i guess i will wait until spring to get some of yours if that is ok and the offer still stands? what would you like in exchange for them? plmk

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Moretz: I see they have the alba variety in Chiltern's catalog: http://www.edirectory.co.uk/chilternseeds/pages/moreinfo.asp?Table=Product&RecordID=BFBEHBF I ordered seedsfrom them in December and they delivered them here to Alaska. I've also ordered and received seeds from Secret Seeds in the UK, so I know they will ship to the U.S.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

OK,moretz. Remind me around June when it produces seeds.
(I'm gettig a poor memory)

Thank you, WeezingreensAfor usuful info.
I wish to try the alba one.

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)


I ordered from Chiltern last November.

They are a great company with an encyclopedic (and somewhat amusing) catalog.

Highly recommended.

They definitely ship to the US.

In fact, I got my seeds from them faster than from many US seed purveyors.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

TomTom, Your photos of Galactites tomentosa are lovely. I checked this plant out in the PDB and find there are no photos. Could you add yours? http://plantsdatabase.com/go/62145/index.html

This is a beautiful plant, but I doubt it would do well hear, even as an annual. Asters seem to bloom quite late, and often fall prey to early frost. What do you think, TomTom?

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Thank you for your suggestion .I'll do it with pleasure.

Galactites tomentosa is marked HA/HB and they bloom in May if the seeds are sowed in September.
Among the asters, Michelmas daisies bloom in September, so chances are that they fall prey to early frosts.
They bloom beautifflly in my zone 9.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Thank you, Tomtom. I think you are right. Spring sown, they would probably make a valiant effort but never bloom. Still and all, this is a lovely plant... I can enjoy your photos in the PDB!

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)


I've just got the seeds of Galactites from a friend of mine. They are not so plenty.
If you still need them,e-mail me your address.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

you have mail

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

wanted you to know i got my seds and thanks so much for trading,i need to know how to make them germinate,would you suggest to plant these now or wait until later?do they need light or what,what temps do they need to germinate? plmk and thanks so much

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi moretz,
Thanks for letting me know your seeds have arrived .
They germinate pretty easily at about 20 degrees C.
I sow them in autumn but in your climate you might sow
them now. They don't need light.
Good luck!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks so much for the info

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