whats flowering in your garden now?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I wandered around my garden today, the first time for about 5 weeks, and was surprised to see quite a few things in flowers, some that should be, and some that shouldn't
firstly there's the ones that would normally be, or so I think,
Clematis chirrosa
Yellow winter jasmine
A couple of primroses

then there are those who I think shouldn't be there now;
nicotiana mutablis
euphorbia characias

I'd be interested to find out what others have growing out of season also.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 8a)

Well I will get back to you in a few days when I get my new walking cast. I broke my leg almost a month ago and haven't been able to enjoy my garden. I do think my heathers are still blooming and of course my flowering cabbage looks great (I can see those from my front window.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Absoluely nothing is flowering in my garden. I cant see it in winter so it is purely a spring,summer,autumn garden.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Only thing blooming right now is my Streptocarpella, inside, under growing lights.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

You've certainly got a lot out sue, must be lovely.
I'll have to have a look at mine tomorrow in daylight, but I know my prostrate rosemary is in full flower. It's on my porch to welcome visitors :)
The sarcococcas are scenting the garden outside my back door and the mahonia too.

Ouch Chris - I hope you're out and about again soon!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

bad luck chris,hope you're getting around better soon.
I remember the last time I was on crutches in plaster, hard work!!...think my hands and arms hurt more than my leg.
You're ever the expert Evert, 'growing lights' my poor old indoor plants have to struggle along by themselves I'm afraid.
Philomel, I put in a mahonia last summer, so I'm hoping for winter scent too in a couple of years, will check out the sarcococcas too, not familiar with that one.
Must admit Psilo, didn't plan for winter flowers, they just happened, nothing seems to flower at the right time in my garden.Last winter the bulbs were all well up by now, this year they're just peeping through the ground.
Who knows..the mysteries of plants?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I have

Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postell'
Crocus dalmaticus 'Petrovac'
Cymbidium goeringii to open soon
Ranunculus ficaria 'Sheldon Silver' to open soon
Iris reticulata 'Edward' and 'George'
14 different snowdrops

Welcome to DG Chris and get well soon!

Today we have flowering:

Viola odorata
Calendula officinalis
Helleborus 'Party Dress'

Lachenalia alioides

I didn't look in the greenhouse

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

are the snowdrops early Mark, or is this about the right time for them?
Was looking back through some old gardening mags last night and there was an article in there about snowdrops,some beautiful ones, a lovely double one, and a yellow one too.
My helebores are showing no signs of buds yet Baa, when should I cut off the old leaves? now, or when the new ones show some growth?
i want to sow some calendulas too for my allotment, could I sow them now do you think?

Hi Sueone

The Hellebores don't get a trim unless they look massively untidy after flowering. The Calendulas are from last years lot (the one flowering is in a wheelbarrow full of gravel), we might get some very cold weather February so I'd personally leave off the outdoor sowing until March but your area may be a bit milder than here? You could try a few now and see!

How are you coping with the gales? It's not too bad here (not overly keen on taking the car out though) but I've heard it's worse over your way.

I also meant to tell you, the Agave you sent has grown a good inch and a half since you sent it ... I will have to repot it soon, the Puya is doing well too.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

we seemed to have got away with the winds, just the usual thing, thank goodness, remember the last time, to wake to a lot of destruction.
Glad the plants are doing o.k.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

most people I know take the leaves off now or just as the new buds show.

I have snowdrops in flower from October to mid March.

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