The attack of the killer bluebirds?

Maybe it's some other kind of bird, but I see birds that look exactly like bluebirds, attacking the crows in large numbers.

I've seen over a dozen bluebirds gang up on a crow to chase him out off the farm. They even "buzz" my when I'm out mowing the pasture. Are these really bluebirds? I never knew they were so aggressive against their enemies.


Toston, MT(Zone 4a)

Dave, mabe they just need to know you're their friend and not their enemy. Mabe wear a hat that sais "I am your friend" on it the next time you are in their territory.
Take some meal worms as an offering and sing that little tune "There's a blue bird on my shoulder" (Zippady doo dah, Zippady eh).
No, seriously. I didn't know a blue bird could be aggressive either. I'm curious if it's another type of bird. Sorry I couldn't help you out with this one.

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Heidi, I like how you think!

Oh Heidi, I've been misunderstood. I don't think they are really attacking me, just kind of buzzing me. Maybe they are having fun with me? I've never actually been attacked, and it's thrilling, exciting, and fun to have a dozen bluebirds circling me and buzzing me from 5 feet away while mowing. It certainly turns a boring and monotonous chore into a fun afternoon. :-)

I was just curious if they really were bluebirds, I guess. I always considered them to be quiet, mind-your-own-business kind of bird.


Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

The way you first explained it, I visualized a scene from the old Hitchcock movie, "the Birds"
Whew,...glad they weren't really attacking you

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Dave I bet these might be tree swallows. They have an iridescent blue sheen to them and a white belly. I have a pair that nest in one of my houses and when the babies start to get larger they get pretty aggressive towards me if I get too close to the house. They dive bomb me. It doesn't bother me unless I see them coming ~ then you think for sure they're gonna bonk ya in the head but they always just miss.

I don't know if bluebirds would be behave like that. I've never had any nest around here. Mockingbirds on the other hand ... they get really aggressive too. A nesting pair in my neighbors yard would attack my 17 pound cat and send her running home. It's the funniest thing to watch ~ a big fat cat cowering to a little bird.

Hmmm, good thoughts Poppysue. I really was wondering what other birds could be doing this.

We have plenty of mockingbirds here, but I don't know about the tree swallows. I'll have to look them up and figure it out.

These same birds guard my garden.

It's true - they are the guardians of my garden. The perch on top of my tomato stakes and bean poles and viciously chase away any crow that wants to get near. I love them!!


Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Last time I was at your house, I saw some swallows flying fairly low over your mowed area. I bet those are swallows like P.Sue says. I dont' know what kind tho.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Here's a picture

Thanks for the picture, Sue. The birds in that photo are more brightly colored than the birds I have here, but it may be the lighting of the picture.

Thanks GL and Sue! I didn't mean to turn this into an ID thread, but I'm sure glad to know these are swallows. Are they helpful in other areas - outside of chasing away crows? These guys spend an extraordinary amount of time hanging out in my garden.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i use to carry mail and i was attacked by a bluejay-who had built a nest behind the porch light above the mailbox-it pecked me on the head!!!
Was attacked by one at detroit zoo once too!!! Bluejays are a very mean bird!
maybe i should wear a "im your friend hat" too!

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Yes, David, swallows are our FRIENDS! They eat many, many mosquitoes and other bugs. Save your bullets for the crows and ground hogs.... :-)

...and bluejays.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

My hubby used to mow at a golf course and had many purple martins diving all around the tractor. He said they were catching the insects that were upset by the mower going by.

Hey, you all are welcome to the stinkin' grackles that have taken up residence in our yard. Grrrrrrr. Dirty birds are mega-poopers and monopolize the birdfeeder, and they are so LOUD!! We're switching back to pure safflower seed since the grackles didn't seem to like it last summer. We didn't get as a good a variety of birds when we fed them safflower, but we're still going to get more birds if the grackles head for better dining somewhere else!!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Dave, if your bluebirds have little ones right now, they are protecting them. Crows eat baby birds, small snakes, lizzards and some mice. The bluebirds are more than likely defending thier young 'uns. Although we don't have bluebirds here, I have seen other small birds here gang up on crows running them out of dodge. They are sneaky things with a taste for meat. (I have seen crows in my yard munching on snakes and lizards and a smaller bird) Lisa

Crows eat snakes, huh? Well, then they can't be ALL bad...

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I was going to say purple Martins till Gardenwife beat me to it. We have them at the greenhouse and I've seen them attacking other birds like starlings and crows. They will sometimes fly in circles above a person. They love nesting houses in colonies up on tall poles. I have some seeds left for martin gourds, but it may be too late to plant them.

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

David, did they look like these?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Are blue birds and blue jays one and the same thing? I thought they were two different species. You also speak of mocking birds - I don't know if I have seen one yet or not but I do know that I have heard the phone ring only to find out it was the 'blue jay'!!

That was a mockingbird you heard, louisa. :)

Blue jays are nasty birds, generally very large, and aggressive toward other birds.

Blue birds are very small, much brighter blue, and are not aggressive.


Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

We have Indigo Buntings here, they are super irredescent blue , the Bluebird is a sort of lighter blue with rust colored chest, plump, and not irredescent.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Dave, check out this link ...I have pic's of both bluebirds and tree swallows .....

Dave, We have bluebirds nesting at our home. Most Bluebirds nest in bluebird houses that are made for their size. The shape of the house has certain deminions and the hole for them to get into has to be a certain size. The color of the bluebird for the male is bright blue with a orange breast and tummy. The female is not as bright. They are truely facinating to watch and enjoy mulberrys and millworms. The mating pattern and how they take care of their young is something that you don't want to miss. They also have a beautyful song they sing to each other.When they are picking a spot to set up house the really check the area out. They are also territoral. I think if you have tradional bluebirds they really like you and are greating you each time they see you. My husband enjoys them alot, they are one of the most interesting to read on and study. Good luck with your feathered family... Backyardbuddy

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

If I had to take a guess by the behavior and color I would say swallow or martin. I have never known an aggressive bluebird. But then again worried moms of any species can be aggressive LOL.. This is a great site for id'ing birds
Hope this helps.

LOL This thread brings back memories... back when the kids were younger, one of them wanted a better peek at the baby birds in the nesting boxes... All the rest of the summer, everytime we went outside we were dive bombed my the swallows! My dog wasn't even safe! The kids all learned young to stay far away from their nests!

Have you ever watched crows dive bomb Red Tailed Hawks? Boy they really come from miles around if the hawks are stealing eggs!



Poppysue is correct...they are, in fact, a swallow. If they are "dive bombing" you, it is because you have invaded their territory (nearby tree or old building) and they probably have nests. We have tons of swallows in our barn...they certainly are brave little souls! We can go into the barn and they will not alight and fly off...they hold their ground, and one even came down onto my daughter's head as if to say, "You're imposing on my privacy!"



BTW...I'm from Missouri (our state bird is the Bluebird). Bluebirds are VERY shy and very specific about where they nest, so I would seriously doubt them to show any agressive activity toward anybody.

I looked at the photo of the tree swallows posted by Poppysue, and if your "birds" are darker, I'd lay odds on a barn swallow. They are blue, but much deeper blue with a cream colored belly.


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