Yellow butterfly vine, harvesting seed?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I recently received some yellow butterfly vine seed pods (Mascagnia macroptera) and was wondering how do I get the seed and plant it? Does it have one seed or many? I have no experience with this plant and any tips would be appreciated.

Robstown, TX(Zone 9a)

The tiny seed is in the "body" of the butterfly. You just kinda pull the "wings" apart,,,but some have a seed, some dont. Hope this helps !!

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Thank you!
I was totally clueless

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I am so glad I came across this post. My mother got the seeds (whole brown flowers)for this last year & has been trying to get these started but the person that she got them from told her to press the "body" into the soil & wait. Well, of all the ones she did, only 1 came up and not only did it take forever, but it was just a spindly stem that never did anything. After reading this post I realize it took so long because it was having to rot through the "body" to get to the seed, assuming there was one! I emailed her this in hopes that she still has some left to try this with.
Thanks so much,

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I know what you mean. I just had no idea where to start!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I use use both thumbnails to pull the butterfly "body" apart. The seeds are encapsulated inside. To make sure the seed is viable, I roll it between my thumb and forefinger. If it is a "good" seed, it will not crumble. If it is an old seed or if it has been munched on by insects, it will crumble.

This message was edited Apr 20, 2004 4:52 AM

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