seed catalogs

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I got my first seed catalog today! Yippee!! I'm so excited. I can't hardly concentrate on anything else. Anyone else get any yet?
Anyone planning on planting anything different next year?
I am difinitely going to concentrate on planting more squash next year.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

None here yet but I did get a new greenhouse supply catalog about a week ago. Is it spring yet? I used to think getting them in January was early.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh and MaryE, with your new greenhouse you can plant seeds now!!!! How wonderful. I gotta get me one of those.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

kathy jo - got my first one yesterday. should be getting a whole bunch but i think this year i'm gonna try "johnnys seeds" heard good things about them from the people on daves garden.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I will probably order from several.
Herbie, So is your name Herb or do you raise herbs or both?

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Yep, I got my Pinetree Garden Seeds catalog yesterday.
I don,t think I'll be trying anything new this year, but last year I tried a lot of new things.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Yep, Pinetree is the one I recieved as well.

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

I have bought from Pinetree before and they are wounderful!!! Excellent quanity, quality, price and customer relations. They get five stars from me!!! if you haven't tried them as of yet, please do! Tracy

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

What a hard decision to make. Several of the vegetable catalogues that have arrived are from the 'family' type businesses. Which one do you choose? I guess it is best to switch each year; can't buy from them all.

I will not buy from any home improvement stores, grocery stores, WalMart, etc., or big seed catalogues that only buy wholesale and sell retail.

I will support the ones that grow their own, for the most part. It would be a sad day if they were put out of business. Let's give the 'mom and pop' seed companies the business.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

I agree, we need to support those small family owned businesses. The big corporate stores have plenty of customers already. The Mom and Pop's need our help to survive and continue their way of life. I try to buy from regional small seed companies whenever possible and from my local nurserys as well.

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

Anyone with websites of "Mon and Pop" seed companies-- I would like to get some catalogs- Tracy

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Well so far I have received 8 seed catalogs including Pinetree. Others are: Totally Tomatoes, Vermont Bean Seed, Seymmour's Selected Seeds, Stokes, ( always order a few packets from Stokes), Nichols Garden nursery, Territorial ( one of my favorites) and Horticultural Products & Services (wholesale). Haven't looked at any of them. Trying to get my house decorated for christmas. Donna

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I don't have any yet.:( I would love to have a GH.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Well, poop. I've only gotten TT, Vermont Bean, Territorial and SSE. I want more more more! :-D

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I sent in my order from Pinetree already. Couldn't wait. Silly probably.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I think I have six and am about ready to order. This year I made a list of what I have and consult that as I am scanning the catalogs.

Almost time to start Walla Wallas and Wave Petunias are next.Ernie

Edited for the dreaded spelling

This message was edited Dec 10, 2003 5:30 AM

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I've got Territorial and Totally Tomatoes. The deluge will come after Christmas.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

KathyJo, I like to order early too. It almost guarantees I'll get them before they run out. :)

Ernie....when is walla walla time? After solstice?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Sue start seeds in the green house or germainate in the house they like about 70 once growing put in gh they need lots of light. They like to eat plant in garden in march or april latest. Or buy sets in april and plant right away .

Feed well weed well and water well they like humas as in manure. Good luck.

I plant mine in soil blocks because they transplant so easy that way but some people just shake them into about a six inch flower pot and shake them loose when it comes time to plant them. You can direct seed into the garden in August and let them winter over when I tried that the first time I had really good luck but the next two times I was hit by mildew and it killed the plants even though I sprayed them with copper because it killed the foliage. If you do this pull them early and plan on using them prior to end of june.

onions like lime do some now and prior to planting and like tomatoes try not to water the foliage overhead when getting close to maturity and let them get dry prior to night fall.

There I go rambling again enjoy Ernie

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Good ramblings Ernie, just keep right on. I haven't grown Walla Wallas but with Copra onions I start them thickly in a pot and transplant to the garden, they don't even wilt. I get 20-25 in a 4 inch pot and when I transplant them they have little bulbs about like match heads and 4 to 5 inch high tops.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

MaryE I might try the scatter method this year just because it's there to try The soil blocker deal is really faster and easierto transplant. Never grown Copra onions are they sweet and do they keep a while. Love wws but they don't keep well. Ernie

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Good info, thanks Ernie. Will plant some seeds in the GH on the 15th with Tomato seeds. I entered a contest for a GH tomato that starts then. Wish me luck!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Ernie, I think the Copra onions came from Garden City Seeds who used to be in Montana but now are in Thorp, Washington over by Ellensburg. Copra is a storage onion with a coppery colored skin. They are listed in the DG Watchdog and have a website where you can request a catalog. It's a two part company, the other part being Irish Eyes, specializing in potatoes and garlic. I ordered a garlic collection from them last fall, 6 different kinds totaling 3 pounds I think. I split it with my neighbor and planted so much that I think I will be giving garlic Christmas presents next year.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Sue will you use a greenhouse variety such as Buffalo,green
house 761,or Boa?

I used 5 gallon buckets and have pretty much decided that they are a bit small a big old wash tub would be nice size I think.

I grew all of these under glass and Buffalo was best tasting and prettiest.

Right now I am trying to order seeds and have just way to many catalogs. Do any of the rest of you have trouble deciding which seeds to buy from where seems like I get side tracked and I don't get done. Ernie

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes about the catalogs! :) I was going through Territorial last night and have way too many pages dog eared already. It is hard to narrow it down........ I also fell in love with several varieties of tomatoes in the SSE. I want to grow really unusual ones next summer.

The GH tomato seed I selected is Brandywine. It's an heirloom (I think) and I was told it is suitable for greenhouse growing. Here is to hoping so!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

What a wonderful way to get lost on a winter day, buried under a stack of garden catalogs! Deciding what to order and who to order it from has always been a problem for me, too. Last year a neighbor and I ordered our seeds together and split the shipping cost, we also divided some of the seeds.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Mary that is such a great idea!

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I've already received about fifteen. The deluge comes AFTER Christmas? I'd better start taking a wheelbarrow to the post office.... not that I'm complaining.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

My Park's catalog came about a week ago, oh my goodness, I think I want some of everything. Well, not quite but I'm sure all of you understand.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I have asked anyone at my work if they want to order with me. One girl has. You can get more seeds for the money that way. One thing we ordered together was sugar snap peas. I think we will have to open the package to split it.
eweed, now you had to go and talk about onions. I am trying to find a source for bottle onions.
Almost have another order ready to go out to Morgan County Seeds. They are a company here Missouri. I have actually gone to their place and purchased seeds, but it is quite a drive for me. They have lots of great stuff, it's just that their catalog is in black and white with no pics. Pretty different considering the glossies that a lot of places send.
Agrinerd, wow 15!!! That's too cool.
I'm also looking for a good source of sweet potatoes. I have bought a few and the store and they just don't taste right to me.

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

eweed, is Buffalo one of those expensive, made for greenhouse, tomatoes? Where do you get the seed?

KathyJo,where is Morgon County Seeds?

Anyone know what is the best kind of Sweet potato we should grow here in SW Missouri.

I now have (only) 6 seed catalogues. I used to get a lot more. Oh, well, maybe after Christmas. :>)

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

skyeblu, Morgan County (of course is in Morgan County Missouri) -- but anyway. I will give some terrible directions here, but it is in the area of Fortuna, Latham, and Barnett Missouri. If you look at a county map it is off Hwy C on a gravel road called Kelsay Road.

Their address is
Morgan County Seeds
18761 Kelsay Rd
phone 1-573-378-2655

They send high quality seeds in nice amounts. I would say that their catalog is a little hard to follow and write the order for. Also I like -- a little spoiled -- instructions on planting seeds on the pack. and these don't have that. But a neat Mennonite family runs this business , if you are looking to support someone like this.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Skyblue Yes Buffalo is a greenhouse type and I guess by most standards it could be considered expensive but it is affordable and has grown well for me for five years in a row.

Pack of 50 seeds$11.75 item# 00116 plus $ 3.00 shipping and handling charges. From 2003 2004 HPS catalog 1-800-322-7288

Pack of ten seeds $4.45 or pack of 50 seeds $11.25 item 00116 From Totaly Tomatoes catalog 2004 plus handling charge of $2.50 1-800-345-5977

I have never ordered from the TT catalog but I checked both item numbers and I would bet they are both owned by the same people.The TT catalog has a free pack of peppers and a pack of tomatoes as a bonus if you buy more than $5.00.

Hope this works as good for you as it has for me. Regards Ernie

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks KathyJo and Ernie!
I was a little "bummed" about gardening a month ago. (Last year was not a good one.)But hope springs eternal, and the seed catalogues have got me going again. It also helps that my larger GH is finally going up!

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I got my seeds from Pinetree TODAY!!!! Hubby ordered me a little HarborFreight Greenhouse. Hope to get it up by February. Can't wait to fill up my seed trays.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

KathyJo, I have a HF greenhouse too! I am very impatient for seed sowing time! :)

Thumbnail by Sue_WA
Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Sue, when did you get yours? I can't wait either.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Cool your jets girls nothings worse than starting seeds to soon. I did that last year then ran out of room because it was still cold out side. Ernie

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

KathyJo - We put it up at the end of October.

If you haven't already.... check out the threads at GW concerning construction, thoughts & ideas:

Bob Glosson has a link to the new and improved instructions on his website (and more pics):

Ernie: I know, I know...I keep reminding myself that winter just started! :-D

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Your HF greenhouses look just like a smaller version of my GH that is going up right now. It is from a company called Private Garden.
Last year I started my tomatoes the first week of March, and this year I think I'll do it a week or so earlier. I started some things like cabbage, and broccoli, and daisys mid February. Here in SW Missouri, things can go out by mid April with no protection. I put tomatoes out in late March one year, but I was covering them every night.

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